Flame-Resistant(FR) Clothing: Everything You Need to Know

Posted by tarasafe on April 6th, 2023

Flame-resistant clothing, also known as FR clothing, is a type of protective clothing designed to prevent burns and injuries caused by exposure to flames or heat. It is commonly used in industries where workers are exposed to hazards such as fire, electric arc flashes, and combustible dust explosions. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about flame-resistant clothing, including its benefits, types, and regulations.

Benefits of Flame-Resistant Clothing

The primary benefit of flame-resistant clothing is protection from burns and injuries. By wearing FR clothing, workers are shielded from the effects of exposure to flames or heat, reducing the risk of severe burns, skin damage, or even death. In addition to protecting workers, FR clothing also reduces the likelihood of fires spreading and causing property damage, injuries, or fatalities.

Another benefit of FR clothing is that it is durable and long-lasting. Unlike regular clothing, which can easily catch fire and become irreparably damaged, FR clothing is designed to withstand high temperatures and last for a long time. This can save companies money on replacement costs and reduce the need for workers to frequently replace their protective gear.

Types of Flame-Resistant Clothing

There are several types of flame-resistant clothing, each designed for specific hazards and environments. The most common types of FR clothing include:

Flame-Resistant Shirts and Pants - These are standard workwear items that are made from flame-resistant materials such as cotton, wool, and synthetic fibers. They are designed to provide basic protection from flames and heat and are suitable for workers in industries such as oil and gas, electrical utilities, and firefighting.

Flame-Resistant Coveralls - Coveralls are a one-piece garment that provides full-body coverage and protection from head to toe. They are often used in industries where workers are exposed to chemicals, flames, or electrical hazards, such as the petrochemical industry or electrical utilities.

Flame-Resistant Jackets - Jackets are designed to provide extra warmth and protection in cold weather conditions while also protecting workers from flames and heat. They are commonly used in outdoor industries such as forestry, construction, and mining.

Flame-Resistant Rainwear - Rainwear is designed to protect workers from the elements while also providing flame-resistant properties. It is commonly used in industries such as oil and gas, where workers are exposed to rain and hazardous chemicals.

Regulations for Flame-Resistant Clothing

Several regulations govern the use of flame-resistant clothing in the workplace. In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets standards for workplace safety and requires employers to provide flame-resistant clothing in certain industries. OSHA mandates that employers must provide FR clothing for workers exposed to electric arcs or flames above a certain threshold.

In addition to OSHA regulations, there are several voluntary standards and certifications for flame-resistant clothing. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) sets standards for protective clothing and equipment, including FR clothing. The NFPA 2112 standard specifies the minimum performance requirements for FR clothing used in industries such as oil and gas, chemical, and electrical utilities. The NFPA 70E standard provides guidelines for electrical safety in the workplace and specifies the minimum requirements for FR clothing worn by workers in these industries.


Flame-resistant clothing is a crucial component of workplace safety, protecting workers from the hazards of exposure to flames and heat. By providing reliable protection against burns and injuries, FR clothing not only safeguards workers but also reduces the likelihood of property damage and fatalities. There are several types of FR clothing available, each designed for specific hazards and environments, and there are strict regulations and standards governing their use. Employers must prioritize workplace safety by providing adequate FR clothing and equipment to workers in hazardous industries.

Tarasafe is a renowned and reputable name in the flame-resistant clothing industry. They are well-known for their quality FR clothing products and are a trusted provider of protective gear for workers in hazardous industries .

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