7 Proven Tactics to Get Tier 2 Sponsored Jobs in the United Kingdom in 2023

Posted by Ben Bradley on April 7th, 2023

If you're looking to work in the United Kingdom but require a Tier 2 sponsored visa, it can be a daunting process to navigate. However, there are proven tactics that can increase your chances of finding a sponsor and securing a job. In this article, we'll explore seven strategies that can help you land a Tier 2 sponsored job in the UK.

  1. Focus on High-Demand Industries

Certain industries in the UK have a higher demand for skilled workers, which can make it easier to find a sponsor. Some examples of high-demand industries in the UK include IT, healthcare, finance, and engineering. By focusing your job search on these industries, you may increase your chances of finding a Tier 2 sponsor.

  1. Build Your Professional Network

Networking is crucial when it comes to finding a job in the UK, especially if you're seeking a Tier 2 sponsor. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and connect with recruiters and hiring managers on LinkedIn. The more people you know in your field, the more likely you are to hear about job opportunities and potential sponsors.

  1. Optimize Your CV for the UK Job Market

Your CV is often the first impression a potential employer will have of you. To stand out in the UK job market, it's essential to tailor your CV to British standards. This means using the correct terminology, formatting, and spelling. If you're not confident in your CV writing skills, consider hiring a professional CV writing service to help you.

  1. Research Tier 2 Sponsor Lists

There are official lists of UK companies that are licensed to sponsor Tier 2 visas. Researching these lists can help you identify potential sponsors and job opportunities. Keep in mind that companies on the list may only sponsor visas for certain roles or industries, so it's important to check the details carefully.

  1. Be Flexible on Location and Salary

Being flexible with your job preferences can increase your chances of finding a Tier 2 sponsor list. Consider job opportunities outside of your preferred location or salary range. Once you have secured a Tier 2 visa, you can always look for better opportunities if you can make your cv in the proper British format by hiring a CV writing service.

  1. Be Proactive in Your Job Search

Don't wait for job openings to come to you. Be proactive in your job search by reaching out to recruiters and hiring managers directly. This can demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm for the role and increase your chances of getting noticed.

  1. Consider Further Education or Training

Sometimes, acquiring additional education or training can increase your chances of finding a Tier 2 sponsored job. This could include earning a certification, attending a training course, or pursuing a postgraduate degree. These qualifications can make you a more attractive candidate to potential sponsors.


Finding a Tier 2 sponsored job in the UK can be a challenging process, but by following these proven tactics, you can increase your chances of success. Remember to focus on high-demand industries, build your professional network, optimize your CV, research Tier 2 sponsor lists, be flexible on location and salary, be proactive in your job search, and consider further education or training. With persistence and determination, you can secure a Tier 2 sponsored job and begin your career in the UK.

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Ben Bradley

About the Author

Ben Bradley
Joined: October 11th, 2022
Articles Posted: 6

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