How to Deep Clean Your Home in Time for Spring

Posted by Anna Johnson on April 28th, 2023

Spring is a breath of fresh air, but if you haven’t deep cleaned, you’ll only end up breathing in the same old stale air. Take advantage of the longer daylight hours and that boost of energy you get just from seeing the light and deep clean your property. It’s how you can extend and prolong your home’s life, and it’s also how you can ready yourself for the busy season that is summer.

Deep cleaning is so much more than just tidying things up. You want to get every bit of dirt out of your home, toss out the clutter, and use the time to feel renewed and refreshed. If you aren’t sure where to get started, use this guide to help you get your home deep cleaned.

Wash Down Every Surface

The first step in deep cleaning your home is to wash down every surface, starting from the ceiling down to the floor. Dust accumulates on all surfaces, including walls, ceilings, baseboards, and every nook and cranny, and it’s important to remove them to prevent allergies and respiratory issues. Use a microfiber cloth and a gentle cleaning solution to wipe down all surfaces, including countertops, cabinets, and appliances. For tougher stains and dirt, use a scrub brush or an abrasive cleaner, but be careful not to damage surfaces.

Clean Out Every Filter You Can Find

Filters are an important part of your home’s system, and they need to be regularly cleaned to ensure that they work efficiently. Air filters, dryer vents, and range hood filters are some of the filters that need cleaning. Air filters trap dust, dirt, and allergens, and when they get clogged, they can decrease airflow and reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system. Range hood filters collect grease and grime, and when they’re clogged, they can’t filter smoke and steam properly. Cleaning out these filters will not only improve the efficiency of your home but also prevent potential hazards.

Deep Clean Your Windows

Windows are often overlooked when cleaning, but they play a huge part in how good your home looks and, in the long run, how efficient your windows are. Over time, for example, windows accumulate dirt, dust, and fingerprints, which can be difficult to remove. Check out a guide to cleaning secondary glazing safely, and aim to clean both sides of the window. If your windows have screens, carefully remove them and then wash them with soapy water.

Declutter Every Room

Clutter piles up without you noticing, and it holds no value to you - even sentimental value. That’s why decluttering in spring is such an important part of spring cleaning. Take the time to declutter every room in your home, including closets, cabinets, and drawers. If you struggle, sort through your stuff into different categories like donate, sell, or toss.

Wash or Surface Treat Upholstery

Upholstery is one of the most used and overlooked parts of your home. It accumulates dust, dirt, and stains over time, which can be difficult to remove. Start by using a vacuum to remove any bits from your couch, then spot-clean your upholstery from there. If there are old stains you can’t get out, consider hiring a professional cleaning service. Your mattress can be cleaned with baking soda, your couch with a surface treatment, and your curtains by washing them or taking them to the dry cleaners.

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Anna Johnson

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Anna Johnson
Joined: June 14th, 2017
Articles Posted: 114

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