An Insight into Six Sigma Green Belt

Posted by Sheraton Veranda on July 12th, 2016

Survival in the corporate field is all about qualifications and keeping abreast of latest technologies and changing methods and one of the certifications that will truly add feathers to your hat is that of six sigma. A management training course, six sigma comprises of several stages each of which is designated a belt of a particular color and is indicative of the level of training like beginner, intermediate, master and so on. While white and yellow belts mark the beginner levels, six sigma green belt is stands for intermediate while six sigma black belt holders are the experts.

Officially, it is the six sigma green belt that is regarded as the first step because it is from this stage that the actual training begins. As a student, you will be taught techniques over a duration of two weeks as regards customer service, cost cutting, waste reduction and data collection. The objective of green belt training is to improve working at the ground level by applying modern and effective methodologies. DMAIC forms the crux of the curriculum and at the end of two weeks, you would be in a position to find ways that would improve productivity and help in compiling useful database.

Because of the hands-on nature of this module, six sigma green belt practitioners are referred to as worker bees as opposed to six sigma black belt practitioners who occupy the zenith of the spectrum. Therefore, they are not supposed to handle leadership roles and are meant to serve as members of the team who play a crucial role for its success.

Undergoing training at six sigma green belt level implies learning grass-root skills like communication, customer service, database collection and so on. As compared to six sigma black belt practitioners, green belt practitioners are described as worker bees which are meant to specialize in teamwork.

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Sheraton Veranda

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Sheraton Veranda
Joined: January 4th, 2016
Articles Posted: 864

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