How I ended up doing a Nose Job: Rhinoplasty Journey

Posted by MISBAH on May 5th, 2023

Are you considering getting a nose job? Also known as rhinoplasty, this cosmetic surgery can help you achieve your desired look and improve your confidence. In this article, we'll dive into my personal experience with Rhinoplasty in Dubai and share some important information to help you make an informed decision about this procedure.

My Rhinoplasty Journey:

I always felt self-conscious about my nose. It was slightly crooked and had a bump on the bridge that made it look bigger than it actually was. For years, I avoided taking pictures and felt insecure about my appearance. However, I never seriously considered getting a nose job until a close friend of mine had the procedure done.

After seeing the stunning results of my friend, I decided to do some research and schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During the consultation, the surgeon assessed my facial structure and discussed my goals for the procedure. He also explained the risks and benefits of rhinoplasty and what to expect during the recovery period.

I decided to go ahead with the surgery and scheduled it for a few months later. The day of the surgery was nerve-wracking, but I felt confident in my decision and trusted my surgeon's expertise. The surgery took a few hours and I woke up with a cast on my nose and a lot of swelling.

The recovery process was challenging, but I followed my surgeon's instructions carefully and took the necessary time off work to rest and heal. It took a few months for the swelling to fully subside and for my new nose to settle into its final shape, but the results were worth it. My nose now looks more balanced and proportional to my face, and I feel much more confident in my appearance.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that involves nose reshaping:

  • Straightening a crooked nose
  • Reshaping the tip of the nose
  • Improving the angle between the nose and upper lip
  • Correcting breathing problems related to the structure of the nose

Rhinoplasty can be performed using two different techniques: open rhinoplasty or closed rhinoplasty. Open rhinoplasty involves making a small incision, the strip of skin that separates the nostrils. Closed rhinoplasty is performed entirely inside the nostrils, with no external incisions.

Choosing a Surgeon:

Choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon is crucial to achieving good results and minimizing the risk of complications. When researching potential surgeons, look for the following:

  • Board certification:  Make sure the surgeon is board certified in plastic surgery or otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat) surgery.
  • Before and after photos:  Review the surgeon's before and after photos to get a sense of their aesthetic style and the results they can achieve.
  • Patient reviews: Read patient reviews to get a sense of the surgeon's bedside manner and the quality of care they provide.

During the consultation, don't be afraid to ask the surgeon questions and voice any concerns you may have. The surgeon should be able to explain the procedure in detail, discuss the risks and benefits, and provide realistic expectations for the results.

The Procedure

Rhinoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia and can take anywhere from one to three hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure. During the surgery, the surgeon will make incisions in the nose and reshape your nose.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty:

Rhinoplasty has many benefits, including:

  • Improved appearance: Rhinoplasty can improve the appearance of the nose and bring it into proportion with the rest of the face.
  • Increased confidence:  A more aesthetically pleasing nose can boost your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Correct breathing problems:  Rhinoplasty can correct breathing problems caused by a deviated septum or other issues.
  • Repair damage:  Rhinoplasty can repair damage caused by injury to the nose.

Risks of Rhinoplasty:

Like any surgical procedure, rhinoplasty carries some risks, including:

  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia.
  • Poor healing.
  • Unsatisfactory results.

Recovery Process:

After the surgery, I experienced some discomfort and swelling, which is to be expected with any surgical procedure. I was instructed to keep my head elevated and avoid any strenuous activity for several weeks to ensure proper healing. I also had to wear a splint on my nose for the first week to help maintain its shape.

The recovery process was not easy, but it was manageable. I took pain medication as needed and followed the post-operative instructions provided by my surgeon. Within a few weeks, the swelling began to subside, and I could see the results of the surgery.


The results of my rhinoplasty were everything I had hoped for and more. My nose was now in proportion to my face, and it looked natural and aesthetically pleasing. The procedure boosted my confidence and improved my overall self-esteem.


Rhinoplasty is a highly personal decision and should not be taken lightly. It is important to do your research and consult with a reputable plastic surgeon to determine if the procedure is right for you. My personal experience with rhinoplasty was positive, and I am thrilled with the results. If you are considering Rhinoplasty costs in Dubai, I hope that my journey has provided some insight into what to expect and has helped you make an informed decision.

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Joined: September 13th, 2022
Articles Posted: 50

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