Discovering the Services Provided By an Oral Surgeon in Ottawa

Posted by Ali Tariq on May 26th, 2023

Oral health is an essential component of overall well-being, and finding the right oral surgeon in Ottawa can be a daunting task. With so many options to choose from, it's crucial to understand the various services provided by oral surgeons in the area. In this blog post, we will explore some of the top services offered by an oral surgeon in Ottawa, focusing on the ones most commonly sought after.

Routine Checkups

Regular dental checkups are vital for maintaining optimal oral health. An oral surgeon in Ottawa can provide routine checkups, which typically include a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and overall mouth structure. These checkups help identify any potential issues early on, allowing for prompt treatment and prevention of more severe problems.

Preventative Dentistry

Preventative dentistry aims to keep your teeth and gums healthy by stopping the onset of dental issues before they start. An oral surgeon in Ottawa can offer various preventative treatments, such as dental sealants, fluoride applications, and customized mouthguards for sports or nighttime teeth-grinding protection.

Dental Hygiene

Maintaining good dental hygiene is the foundation of a healthy smile. An oral surgeon can provide professional teeth cleaning in Ottawa, which removes plaque and tartar buildup that regular brushing and flossing may miss. Advice on proper brushing and flossing techniques, as well as recommendations for oral care products, can also be provided to help you maintain excellent dental hygiene at home.

White Fillings

Cavities can develop even with diligent oral care. When decay is detected, an oral surgeon in Ottawa can provide white fillings to restore the tooth's structure and function. Unlike traditional silver amalgam fillings, white fillings are made from tooth-coloured materials that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth for a discreet and aesthetically pleasing result.

Root Canal

A root canal is a procedure used to save a severely infected or damaged tooth. An oral surgeon in Ottawa can perform root canal treatment, which involves removing the infected pulp from the tooth's inner chamber, cleaning and disinfecting the area, and sealing it with a dental filling or crown. This procedure can alleviate pain and prevent the need for extraction.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on enhancing the appearance of your teeth, gums, and overall smile. An oral surgeon in Ottawa can offer various cosmetic treatments, such as teeth whitening, veneers, bonding, and dental crowns, to help you achieve a more attractive and confident smile.

Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can impact your ability to chew, speak, and maintain proper oral health. An oral surgeon in Ottawa can provide solutions for missing teeth, including dental implants, bridges, and dentures. These options help restore function and appearance, allowing you to enjoy a complete and healthy smile once again.

Gum Therapy

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common oral health issue that can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. An oral surgeon in Ottawa can provide gum therapy to treat and prevent gum disease, which may include scaling and root planing, antibiotic treatments, or surgical intervention in more severe cases.

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures designed to treat various dental and facial issues. An oral surgeon in Ottawa can perform services like tooth extractions, wisdom teeth removal, corrective jaw surgery, and treatment for sleep apnea, among others. These specialized treatments can address complex problems and improve your overall oral health.


Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that uses clear, removable aligners to gradually straighten teeth without the need for traditional braces. An oral surgeon in Ottawa can provide Invisalign treatment, creating a customized series of aligners that gently shift your teeth into the desired position over time.


In conclusion, finding the right oral surgeon in Ottawa is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. By understanding the various services provided by oral surgeons, you can make an informed decision about the best professional to address your specific needs. Whether you require routine checkups, preventative dentistry, or oral surgery, there is an oral surgeon in Ottawa ready to help you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile.

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Ali Tariq

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Ali Tariq
Joined: April 19th, 2018
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