Top Website UX Design Disasters That Could Cost you Everything!

Posted by Tentackles on May 31st, 2023


A web designer's goal is to improve conversion rates, facilitate task completion for site users, and provide compelling user experiences. At times designers take shortcuts and ultimately rely on a variety of commonly used design styles. This might distract them from current trends and they might deploy the trends improperly and commit typical UX blunders.

There are many instances on the web where designers choose to prioritize purely visual appeal at the expense of usability. They assume that the "wow moment" that inspired the design would be enough to captivate the user. But regrettably, this leads to increased bounce rates and consumers find it difficult to use the UI and comprehend it. 

Finding a balance between what adds value and what is aesthetically beautiful is crucial to employing web design patterns and trends effectively. Hence, here are the 5 most common UX mistakes that you should totally avoid.

1. Designing without personal biases

Although it may seem obvious, UX designers occasionally need to be reminded that they are not always the users' representatives and are not necessarily creating for themselves. When you are committed to a project, it might be difficult to set aside personal preferences. 

Unfortunately, there are still many instances of user experiences that the designer obviously found enjoyable for themselves but which are ineffective for the vast majority of the intended audience. Regardless of how much you may enjoy your work, if it doesn't meet the demands of consumers or attempt to solve their problems, it is a poor design.

2. Design for your user

If you don't know the user or what they require, it's challenging to keep them in mind. Finding out what the user requires and testing and demonstrating that a solution is actually useful are both important components of this process. The design work is merely a hypothesis without the audience's involvement. 

We are limited to making educated guesses on how the design should look. But it needs to be supported to be useful, just like any other hypothesis. To construct the correct item, designers need to swiftly and frequently get feedback from the audience.

3. Sticking to the first idea

Persistence in sticking with an initial idea when it becomes obvious that it isn't the ideal option is another significant source of UX issues. Personal preference, not just among UX designers but also among clients who may seize upon an idea and decide they want to run with it, can be blamed in this situation. Knowing when to let go and start over from the drawing board is crucial, and knowing how to persuade others is necessary.

The usual error is refusing to let go of your first thought and sticking too closely to it. When given a task, designers have an idea that pops into their heads, and designers frequently go through the procedure to demonstrate that the concept is sound. It's best to avoid performing the procedure merely for its own sake. This, as a result, limits the focus of the designer and causes them to miss the bigger picture.

4. Ignoring the user’s problem

The user's issue should be at the center of UX design. The goal of great user experience design is to address this issue, but in order to avoid creating products that weren't really needed; the issue must first be confirmed to exist.

UX design must always begin with a clear understanding of the issue at hand. The users' problem is the first thing design must address initially because that's what drives the product vision, how to approach the design, or even if this product should even exist at all, depends completely on the user's problem.

It is equally vital to recognize the value of empathy in design. Understanding and sympathizing with your users' needs and issues can help you immensely. And even though it sounds cliché, your design can make people's lives.

5. Failing to challenge assumptions

UX designers must overcome their personal likes and tastes as well as broader assumptions. Is the issue actually what we believe it to be? Will the user actually react as we anticipate? 

These inquiries necessitate an open mind because some of the biggest UX errors occur when a topic is handled from a closed perspective as a result of prior exposure to widely held beliefs or notions.

UX designers must relish the discovery process. A good designer must embrace ambiguity and challenge presumptions. It can be quite beneficial to do this while keeping your users in mind. Remove your preconceptions and biases, and approach your design with an open mind.

Even while UX design errors are a common occurrence during the design process, this does not mean they are inevitable. Predict and avoid UX mistakes before they annoy users.

Start by being knowledgeable about UX issues and potential solutions. Keep track of the largest errors, evaluate if you've committed them, and, if required, take action to correct them. Keep in mind that a product's core value is outstanding user experience. Your company and users will profit if you give fixing UX errors top priority. 

We understand that running a business is already quite a lot of work, hence it’s best if you let the experts take care of your design process so that you don’t miss out on crucial aspects. Fortunately, Tentackles holds expertise in delivering the best for its clients effortlessly. Contact us today to know more.

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Joined: October 9th, 2020
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