ACIM Lesson 77 - How a Course in Miracles Changed David Hoffmeister's Life

Posted by seoexpert131 on June 15th, 2023

Learn how a Course in Miracles (ACIM) changed the trajectory of David Hoffmeister's life. He shares tips and tricks for integrating Course principles into daily living.

ACIM strays from traditional Christianity in that it doesn’t believe in the need for a savior. However, this doesn’t mean there can’t be more than one Savior.
What Is God?

The Bible says, "The Lord our God is one." This means that He is the only true and living God. He is the creator of the universe and everything in it. He is the highest authority, ruler, and judge of all things. He is the ultimate standard of truth, goodness, and beauty. He is all-powerful and omnipresent (all-present everywhere at the same time). He is pure spirit, unlike human beings who are made of body and soul. He is holy, which means He is absolutely pure and perfect in every way.

It is important to understand who God is because it affects how we live our lives and how we relate to Him. The most significant way that God makes Himself known is through His works. He created the world and sustains it; He is executing His plan to save mankind from sin and death through Christ; and He judges the world. acim

Another important way that God reveals Himself is through His attributes. These are the qualities that describe His character and personality. They include holiness, power, wisdom, and love.

Unlike humans, God has all of these qualities in abundance. He is also eternal, meaning that He has always existed and will continue to exist forever. He is all-knowing, and therefore knows the past, present, and future. He is just, which means that He treats all people fairly and justly. He is loving, which means He has abundant compassion and sympathy for people. He is also all-powerful, which means that He has unlimited resources and can do anything He desires.

Scripture teaches us that He is transcendent, which means that He is higher than all other beings, including human beings. He is a transcendent deity because He is the one and only true God. It is important to realize that when we say that God is a personal Being, it really means that He is the only Being who thinks and reasons and acts and loves. It would be absurd to think of any other Being who could possibly do these things.

In addition, the Bible teaches that God is triune, which means that He is three distinct Persons within one divine essence. This is a mystery that we cannot fully explain, but it should be remembered that the word “person” in this context does not imply separate individuals, but rather a distinctive mode of existence of one divine essence.
How Can I Know God?

If you want to know God, the best way is to follow Jesus’ example. Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) If you really want to know God, it is your responsibility to take time each day for prayer and study. It is also important to find a Bible-based church that preaches the Word of God faithfully. You should try to attend weekly and build Christ-centered friendships there.

In addition, you can attend acim retreats and conferences. These events will help you expand your understanding of the Course and learn how to apply it to your life. You can also get acim lessons delivered by email and read searchable acim text online.

Spiritual awakening is the natural consequence of spending more and more time with God. As you continue to seek Him, He will lead you beyond the self-centered and fearful beliefs of your ego. You will begin to see yourself as God created you to be. As you progress through this process, your life will become more meaningful and satisfying. You will feel a deep sense of purpose and meaning in your life as you experience God’s love for you.

You may not always feel a need to know God, but it is your obligation to pursue Him anyway. If you were created by Him, you owe Him your life. You need to ask Him to soften your heart, open your eyes, and enlighten you.

ACIM strays from traditional Christian theology in that it does not believe that recognition of Jesus as the Savior is necessary for salvation. The Course teaches that you need to forgive the world because it is a reflection of your own mind.

The Course tells us that it is impossible to harm another or to be harmed by him because of forgiveness. The only thing you can do to cause harm is to judge another dishonestly. Harm is the result of judgment, and it only occurs when you are not unified with the Holy Spirit. When you are united with Him, all harm is impossible.
How Can I Communicate With God?

The first step in establishing a communication with God is to figure out that He cares about you and is listening. That may sound simplistic, but it’s the best place to start. If you don’t think that a God cares about you, you probably won’t want to take the time to communicate with Him.

Talk to Him out loud or in your mind, whichever feels more comfortable. Try to establish a habit of praying in the morning or at night, before you study the Course’s words. The more you practice, the easier it will become. It’s also helpful to have a quiet space where you can focus on prayer without distractions.

During your conversation with God, ask Him about everything that is happening in your life and how He sees it. It’s important to remember that His view is always the most peaceful and loving one. This is especially true in cases of disaster or tragedy, like a war or an airplane crash. Often, those who are involved in them are left feeling hopeless or helpless. This is because they don’t realize that the situation is not as they perceive it.

Ask Him to show you how He can use all things for your good, even the bad ones. It’s often helpful to write this down, as if you are writing a letter to a friend, or in a private journal. You can do this while talking to Him, or even during your daily readings.

When deciding whether to act on any messages you receive, consider if it honors and glorifies Him. If it does, then you can be confident that it is His Will for your life. However, if you aren’t sure that it honors Him, don’t be afraid to question it. It’s better to be safe than sorry. The more you listen to Him, the more likely you will be to hear His voice. He is always there for you, if you just listen. He wants nothing more than to be your friend. And He really does care about you.
How Can I Ask For Help?

Whether you're new to your job or just trying to be more productive, asking for help can be hard. After all, we're taught that it makes us appear weak or lazy to ask for assistance, but there are many ways to politely request help from others without making them feel like a burden.

For starters, be specific about what you need from them. This will make it easier for them to provide it. You can also try saying things like, "I would really appreciate your help with this project." This shows that you're confident enough to show vulnerability. This is especially important when asking for help in an email, where it's easy for miscommunication to occur.

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Joined: August 3rd, 2020
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