What is the Pomodoro technique and what is it for?

Posted by John Smith on August 4th, 2023

Today, we are going to talk about one of the most famous productivity techniques: the Pomodoro timer technique. It is useful both for studies, for work, or for any activity that requires absolute concentration or that we need to limit the time we dedicate to it.

About the aesthetic Pomodoro technique and what is it for?

The Pomodoro aesthetic technique is a productivity method proposed in the 1980s by the Italian Francesco Cirillo. It serves to increase concentration in carrying out tasks and obtain better and greater results.

This technique is based on managing time through timers. Its name means "tomato" in Italian and it takes it from the typical kitchen timers. He left you a photo so you can see what I mean:

What is the Pomodoro technique?

The theory of the aesthetic Pomodoro timer technique is simple: work totally focused on a task for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. This block is known as “Pomodoro”. After doing 4 pomodoros of 25 minutes with their breaks, the last break will be longer: between 20 and 30 minutes.

The key to making those 25 minutes truly effective is to shut out all potential distractions, or at least ignore them. Do not look at social networks, do not take calls, do not listen to notifications. In short, do not do anything that is not related to the task in question.

What happens if they call you or you suddenly remember that you have to do something or that you have not written milk on the shopping list? You write it down on a piece of paper, an agenda, a notebook, a sticky note, or whatever, and you attend to it during breaks (short or long depending on the time they require).

In this way, we achieve maximum concentration during those 25 minutes, and the brain "oxygenates" during the breaks. As they are short breaks, it is not difficult to focus on the task again.

During short breaks in the Pomodoro aesthetic timer, you can stretch your legs, go to the bathroom, prepare a coffee, etc anything that can be done in 5 minutes and allows you to disconnect. You should not use them to advance other tasks.

Is the Pomodoro technique for all types of work and is it for everyone?

Obviously not. Like any other productivity method, there will be those who do great and there will also be those who do not work at all. It will depend on the type of tasks you do and your personal preferences to organize yourself at study or work.

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John Smith

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John Smith
Joined: June 21st, 2014
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