5 Strategies to Upskill and Reskill Your Workforce in 2023

Posted by Adam Joones on September 3rd, 2023

Around the latter bit of 2019, a significant alert came from the World Economic Forum. CEOs were losing sleep over skill shortages in their workforce. The remedy? Upskilling and reskilling programs. Reskilling and upskilling have become increasingly important in the workplace, and many companies have put in place strategies to face the need to train their employees continuously.

According to a 2022 survey conducted among employees worldwide, 75% of respondents said they were satisfied with their company’s reskilling and upskilling training. With over ten years of experience in workforce development and upskilling, BlueSense.co witnessed the transformational impact of well-executed strategies on an organisation’s success. This article will delve into six proven strategies to upskill and reskill your workforce effectively, ensuring they stay competitive and adaptable in the face of constant change.

Upskilling and Reskilling Your Workforce

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, staying ahead of the curve is no longer a luxury but a necessity. To achieve this, your organisation must invest in upskilling its workforce. According to more than 9,000 business and HR leaders surveyed, 73% agreed that organisations are responsible for developing their workforce, followed by individuals (54%).

As technology grows and industries move towards innovation and sustainability, many jobs might change or disappear. But there will be lots of new jobs too. Hence, companies will need people with the right skills for these new jobs. Without the right competencies, innovation and customer service suffer, with 79% of global CEOs saying they’re ‘extremely’ or ‘somewhat’ concerned about the availability of the right capabilities.

So, what are practical strategies to Upskill and Reskill your Workforce?

1. Customised Training Programs:

Tailoring training programs to align with your organisation’s needs and goals is a cornerstone of successful upskilling. At BlueSense, we consult with your workforce to identify skills gaps and career aspirations. Our team collaborates with department heads and team leads to identify critical skill gaps and deliver targeted workshops and courses. Furthermore, we invest in training that resonates with your employees and fosters a sense of ownership and commitment, leading to enhanced learning outcomes.

2. Offer a “Salad” Upskilling/Reskilling Method for a Healthier Learning Approach.

Often, training programs today give employees a list of separate skill options to choose from, like technical, digital, leadership, business, or soft skills. However, our experience has shown we can achieve practical (re)training by creating well-mixed “salads” of these different skills in a specific context. At Bluesense, our program focuses on projects using all these skills together. The outcome will result in a rapid learning experience and a holistic approach.

3. Mentoring and Coaching:

Pairing experienced employees with junior colleagues creates a supportive learning environment. These relationships facilitate the transfer of tacit knowledge, boost skill development, and enhance teamwork. At BlueSense, we establish a mentoring program to match senior employees with junior counterparts. Encourage regular knowledge-sharing sessions. Recognise and reward mentors for their contributions.

CTA: At BlueSense, understanding your business requirements and building a custom training and upskilling solution with flexible and agile processes that support your team is core. We prioritise delivering high-quality workshops and courses that can complement your upskilling initiatives and resources that align with your organisation’s goals and industry trends. Would you like to find out more about our training and advisory services? Get in touch with our consultants.

4. Continuous Learning Culture:

Fostering a culture of continuous learning is essential. Our learning strategy creates an environment where employees are encouraged to seek new knowledge and skills independently. At BlueSense, we believe in regularly updating training materials to keep up with industry trends and technological advancements. At the same time, we establish a learning platform that offers a range of resources, from articles to webinars.

5. Personalised Development Plans:

Employees must feel empowered to take charge of their professional growth by creating personalised development plans. A practical implementation step is to offer self-assessment tools for employees to identify their strengths and areas for improvement. As a consulting firm, BlueSense guides crafting individualised development plans and a regular review process to adjust plans accordingly.


Upskilling your workforce is an investment that yields substantial dividends in the long run. By implementing these six strategies, you’ll equip your team with the skills they need to thrive and create a culture of innovation and adaptability. As a seasoned consultant, I have witnessed firsthand the profound benefits of upskilling, and I’m confident that by adopting these strategies, you’ll position your organisation for sustained success in the ever-evolving business landscape.

CTA: While industry changes may want to bother your workforce, our consulting agency focuses on building a solid and reliable team of upskilled talents for your business. If you’d like to learn more, contact our consultants.

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Adam Joones

About the Author

Adam Joones
Joined: September 2nd, 2020
Articles Posted: 27

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