Do you really need SEO?

Posted by Avijit on August 19th, 2010

If you are a business owner, having any organization or by any other means your need to promote your site, definitely the answer is ?YES?. It is proved that, nearly 93 % of traffic or the sales force generated from all major search engines. Buyers are much interested to purchase from those stores, which is mostly visible on the search engines.

How SEO works?

There are numbers of thing which affect the total SEO process, such as ? Title of the web page, description, URL names, HTML and CSS validity, Image ALT tags, Back Links and many more?

Here are some basic techniques for beginners; you can take advantages of them ?

?    Keywords
Before you develop your content or add meta description in your web page titles; you must know the keywords and their best practices. Also, while you are developing the content, you must take care of keyword density. Because keyword reach content can make good ranking in
major search engines but don?t put only the keyword-based jargon files, which do not contain any valuable and useful information. If you use such kind of black hat techniques, the major search engines may block your site or decrease your page rank. The recommended keyword density is 2-3% in total content (In a single page).

There are specific SEO guides available in all major search engines like ? Google. So it is
advisable that, before submitting your site in Google, you must aware of their SEO related
policies. Other wise it is possible, you may not get the exact result after implementing
all most common SEO techniques.

?    Descriptive page titles
Page titles are very much important part of SEO, because all search engine crawlers check
the page title and their relevance, not only that, your visitors also view the page titles. It is good place to add your keywords. But remember that; do not overload your page titles with lot?s of unwanted or nested keywords.

?    Meta tags
Perhaps this is the best place to add the keywords, because this is the place where search
engine bots check first. So be concentrate in this area. It is suggested that, put your content in any keyword generating software (There is a excellent keyword generating service offered by Google, check their services). After generating the keywords, put them into <Meta> tag. Also put enough description in description tag. It is also advisable that, do not overload you page with heavy keywords under Meta tag.

?    Site structure
Finally, the site structure ? do not use tables in your web page. Instead of tables you have to use <DIV>. Also try to avoid frames and iframe. Because frame make web pages heavy and not recommended by all major search engines and iframe are very much vulnerable. It is essential to avoid the iframe.

In addition, check WEB 2.0 standards and HTML and CSS validity. You can check W3C validator to check your website?s HTML and CSS. Concurrently, you must put a XML site map and Robots.txt to complete the SEO process.

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Joined: August 9th, 2010
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