Six Digital Marketing Trends Lined Up for 2024

Posted by swapnil on September 28th, 2023

Imagine a world where your marketing campaigns are hyper-personalised to each individual customer, where your website is optimised for voice search, and where you can use AI to analyse your marketing data more effectively. This is the future of digital marketing, and it's happening now.

In this blog post, we'll take a look at five digital marketing trends to watch in 2024. By staying ahead of the curve and adopting these trends, you can reach your target audience more effectively and achieve your marketing goals. Intent Amplify – the leading B2B lead generation and digital marketing company brings to you 6 key trends in digital marketing that will shape out in 2024.

  1. Skilled and creative humans

From the initial wave of fear that came with AI as it was looked upon as a nemesis to the terminator, up until today when people have exploited it to bits - one thing has been reassuring that humans would never go out of work. Every time a wave of technology comes, you need to know how to ride it with the right skills rather than be swept away by its force. While AI has been supremely helpful in speeding up the process of content creation by several hours - it still has to be ‘touched’ by a human to make it more humane — it cannot work autonomously from end to end. Although with time, AI can eventually be able to achieve that as well, it does not appear like it will be in 2024. Google ranking algorithms can fairly easily detect AI-generated content and weed it out from the genuine ones. Hence, those serious about ranking their websites will have to become more personal and innovative than what AI offers. Digital Marketing has to be driven by humans in order to make the content appeal to the readers and make them like it.  Skilled humans who know how to create content that empathises with fellow humans, would be in great demand. 

Per an Accenture study, 91% of consumers would prefer shopping with brands that recognize and remember them, and provide recommendations based on their preferences.

  1. Voice Search Optimization (VSO)

Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, with more and more people using voice assistants like Siri and Alexa to search for information and complete tasks. This means that businesses need to start optimising their websites and content for voice search. This includes using natural language keywords and phrases and creating content that is easy to understand and follow when spoken aloud. 

  1. Video Marketing 

Video marketing is already one of the most effective ways to reach and engage customers. In 2024, we can expect to see video marketing become even more popular, with more and more businesses using video to promote their products and services. Businesses can use video marketing to create educational content, product demos, customer testimonials, and more. 

  1. AI-driven marketing analytics

AI is already having a major impact on the world of digital marketing, and it's only going to get bigger in 2024. Businesses will use AI to analyze their marketing data more effectively. This will help them to identify trends, track the performance of their campaigns, and make better decisions about where to allocate their resources. Businesses and platforms are utilizing advanced analytics, AI, and machine learning to deliver individualized content, product suggestions, and offers. 

  1. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) marketing

AR and VR are still relatively new technologies, but they have the potential to revolutionize the way businesses market their products and services. In 2024, we can expect to see more businesses using AR and VR to create immersive and engaging experiences for their customers. For example, businesses could use AR to allow customers to try on clothes or furniture before they buy it, or they could use VR to give customers a tour of their products or services.

  1. UGC and the Micro-Influencer

UGC is a great way for businesses to build authenticity and trust with their customers. Micro-influencers can be a valuable asset for businesses looking to reach a targeted audience and promote their products or services. When choosing a micro-influencer, it is important to select someone who is a good fit for your brand and who has a legitimate following. You should also have clear goals for your campaign and track the results carefully to ensure that you are getting a good return on your investment.

Social and digital marketing continues to shift and evolve. As the digital sphere develops, so should your marketing plan. Which new strategy would you consider implementing into your own, and what new strategies do you see becoming popular in the next few years? Connecting with the right agency such as Intent Amplify can save you the time and effort spent in understanding digital marketing. Contact us, today.

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