Flirty Questions to Ask A Guy And Make Him Laugh

Posted by Sophie Ryan Evans on October 3rd, 2023

Frisky Questions to Ask Your Crush and Turn Up The Heat

You've got your eye on a certain cutie and you're looking to get flirty. You want to spice up your convos and drop some hints that you're feeling him. But you don't wanna freak him out by coming on too strong too fast.

This article has all the frisky questions you need to subtly let that hottie know you're interested in him as more than a friend. Flirt with your words, not just your body language. Use these cheeky and flirty questions to ask a guy and shift the mood from buddy-buddy to steamy. You'll have him blushing in no time!

Icebreaker Flirty Questions to Ask A Guy

Break the touch barrier with questions that get you literally hands on:

  • Let's compare hand sizes! Can I see your palm for a sec?

  • I wanna see if our star signs are compatible romantically. Let me read your palm real quick!

  • Do you work out? Here, squeeze my arm. Now let me feel yours! I knew you were muscular!

Either/Or Flirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

Either/or questions reveal his preferences while giving off flirty vibes:

  • Summer fling or relationship that lasts?

  • Holding hands or hugging?

  • Sports cars or pickup trucks?

  • Tattoos or piercings?

  • Clubbing or Netflix & chill?

  • Goofball or romantic?

  • Concerts or amusement parks?

  • Marvel or DC?

"Get To Know You" Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush

Dig a little deeper into his personality using these frisky questions:

  • What song always gets you in the mood? wink

  • If you could choose any fictional world to live in, which would you pick?

  • What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done? I love a guy who lives boldly!

  • What's the most romantic place you've traveled to? Maybe you could take me there...

  • Who's your celebrity crush? I bet mine is hotter!

  • Are you a boxers or briefs guy? Or are you more of a commando man?

  • Would you say you're a romantic or a playboy? Should I guard my heart or leave it open?

Hypothetical Flirty Scenarios

Really get his imagination going with flirty "what if" scenarios:

  • If we were dating, what would our couple song be?

  • Imagine we got stranded on a deserted island together. How would we pass the time?

  • What would our first kiss be like if we started dating?

  • Let's say we ran off on a whirlwind cross-country road trip together. Where would we go?

  • If I was your girlfriend for a day, how would you pamper me and make me smile?

"Would You Rather" Flirty Questions

"Would you rather" questions reveal his preferences while hinting at romance:

  • Would you rather cuddle with me or go bungee jumping with me?

  • Would you rather give up video games forever or give up kissing me?

  • Would you rather buy me roses or chocolate for Valentine's Day?

  • Would you rather watch a romantic sunset with me or action movie?

  • Would you rather go to a music festival with me or amusement park?

  • Would you rather take me on a public date or private date?

Get Bold and Direct

Amp up the spice factor with these outright flirty questions:

  • How would you react if I asked for your number?

  • If I kissed you right now, what would you do?

  • What's your policy on kissing on the first date...or before the first date? You're so cute it's hard to resist!

  • What restaurant has the most romantic ambiance for a first date? I love atmosphere!

  • Do you see yourself as the type to bring a girl flowers and gifts or no?

  • I'm making a playlist for our second date, any song suggestions that set the mood?

Read His Signals

Watch his body language - does he smile, touch his hair, hold eye contact? If so, he's likely picking up what you're putting down. If not, dial back the heat. Flirt in a way that makes you both comfortable. Have fun!

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Sophie Ryan Evans

About the Author

Sophie Ryan Evans
Joined: August 30th, 2023
Articles Posted: 16

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