Which is better, Turbo C++ or Dev C++?

Posted by Akshay Sharma on October 27th, 2023

The world of programming languages has become popular in the last several decades. Computer programming innovations have been made feasible by advances in software development and hardware upgrades.

This has the interest of youngsters piqued, and they want to get in on the action as well! Furthermore, it has also developed the increase in Job opportunities. 

Programming languages, mainly C++, have grown in popularity. C++ is a type of computer language used to create programs and software.

To become a C++ programmer, you need to understand the fundamental principle of C++ programming. There are, however, certain basic things that you must understand to have mastery over the programming language.

Two of them are the concept of Turbo C++ and Dev C++. Understanding these will allow you to move up the ladder of C++ programming language and refine and improve your skill. 

In this blog, we will learn about the C++ programming language, its uses, and its features. Additionally, we will delve into the concept of Turbo C++ and Dev C++.

So, let us start this learning process together.

Let’s get started!

What is C++?

C++, formulated by renowned Danish computer scientist Bjarne Stroustrup in 1985, is a high-level, versatile programming language. It began as a C program extension.

However, with time, it has grown into its language, which now includes object-oriented capabilities and other features while still including low-level management facilitie.

At its release, C++ was a revolutionary program that found its use in complex machinery programs. Its resource efficiency and quickness make it the preferred program for large-scale operations. It still is one of the most used programs in the entire world.

Here we have mentioned some of the features of C++:

Support: C++ supports low-level system programming. This makes it ideal for device driver creation and operating systems. It is also very efficient with its use of libraries and features, making the development process much easier and more time efficient.

Community: C++ boasts a vast active community. This is very helpful for beginners. There are also many resources available for free use.

Object-Oriented Programming: C++ is an object-oriented language. C++ programming supports the creation of classes and allows you to define methods for the objects.

Templates: C++ is used by developers in the creation of generic code. The C++ code can work with any type of data. This makes it reusable.

Standard Template Library: The STL provides various data containers and algorithms. This makes developing efficient and effective programs much more accessible.

Exception Handling: C++ programming language boasts the capability to make robust applications for easier code writing.

Now let us learn what Turbo C++ is and its usage in C++ programming.

What is Turbo C++?

Turbo C++ is a discontinued IDE (integrated development environment) and compiler for C++ programming. Borland created it in the early 1990s, one of the most popular programs. 

Turbo C++ was important in the advancement and utility of C++. It made this advancement possible by making it more accessible and appealing to users.

At the time, Turbo C++ was a revolutionary IDE that allowed coding, compiling, and running code in C++. It came with a very efficient compiler for translating code readable by humans into one that the computer can read and execute. 

It had a user-friendly interface as well as a text editor. Managing and Debugging tools were also included in the Turbo C++ IDE.

The main problem with Turbo C++ IDE in modern times is its incompatibility with today’s operating systems which are much more efficient and offer loads of features and functionality. 

In summary, Turbo C++ was a massive push for C++ programming, however, newer and better IDEs have replaced it. 

Now let us move to the next topic i.e. Dev C++.

What is Dev C++?

Dev C++ is a completely integrated development environment for the C++ programming language, for programming in C and C++, Dev C++ is licensed under the GNU General Public Licence. Colin Laplace created this IDE, initially released in 1998 and written in Delphi.

Dev C++ is an IDE that lets C and C++ programmers write and test code in the IDE. It has a user-friendly interface. This makes Dev C++ better and quicker than other IDEs. 

Features like code completion and syntax highlighting also make it a good catch for beginners. In addition to this, Dev C++ has a built-in compiler that translates human-readable code into machine-readable and executable code.

Testing in Dev C++ allows for running the programs directly in the IDE, allowing one to observe the code and identify bugs. Debugging is also achieved in this IDE.

As for modern programs, Dev IDE is not compatible with some of them. This may be a significant limitation to its use in newer programs, making it obsolete in the programming world.

Now that we know both Turbo C++ and Dev C++ let us find out which is better.

Which is better, Turbo C++ or Dev C++?

Both of these IDEs have their place in the world of C++ programming. But if we must choose between the two, we must go with Dev C++. 

Dev C++ has many features that are compatible with modern program creation. Dev C++ offers a better interface and more advanced features like a compiler, debugger, and code editor. 

It is more appealing to beginners and veterans in the C++ programming world. Plus, it also supports newer C++ versions.

Turbo C++ was vital for C++ advancement. It was a revolutionary IDE then but has become outdated and non-compatible with modern systems.


In the realm of C++ programming language, Turbo C++ and Dev C++ are two basic concepts. Dev C++ is the better option for these two, providing a better user interface and several advanced features. 

Turbo C++, on the other hand, is outdated and doesn't support modern programs. Although it was a breakthrough, it has become obsolete in the modern era.

Hope this article helped you choose the right option using C++ programming language. 

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Akshay Sharma

About the Author

Akshay Sharma
Joined: June 17th, 2022
Articles Posted: 16

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