The Information All Patients Need to Know About Dental Implants

Posted by Arbutus North Dental Centre on December 1st, 2023

A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth root made from biocompatible materials such as titanium, that is then operatively placed into the jawbone to serve as a robust anchor for a replacement tooth. While it's preferable to have a generally healthy mouth for a successful implant procedure, dental practitioners can work on resolving existing oral health problems like gum disease or bone loss to get your mouth ready for implant placement.

But before you readily undergo this dental procedure, it is advisable to equip yourself with comprehensive knowledge, despite its well-documented high success rate. This blog offers precisely that.

An Overview of the Installation Process of Dental Implants:

1. Assessment and treatment planning

  • Your oral health it thoroughly evaluated, including an assessment of your jawbone structure.
  • Implants are strategically placed, and If necessary, bone regeneration procedures are performed to ensure the adequate support needed for the implants.

2. Implant placement

  • Implant placement is a fairly straightforward and minimally invasive surgical procedure that takes place in a clean and sterile dental office. The treatment is carried out under local anesthesia, and sedation can be provided if needed.
  • If, during the evaluation, it's determined that the underlying bone is insufficient, there are various solutions for bone regeneration. In most cases, bone regeneration is performed alongside the implant placement, depending on the specific needs of the patient.

3. Integration Period

  • The implant integration process occurs, allowing the implants to fuse with your bone over a period ranging from six weeks to six months.
  • Temporary solutions like dentures or bridgework can be worn during this period to maintain functionality and aesthetics.

4. The Restorative phase:

  • Once integration is successfully achieved, you can explore a variety of teeth replacement options.
  • Definitive restorations, which can include single crowns, bridges, or removable overdentures, are meticulously crafted to provide you with a natural-looking, functional smile.

5. Maintenance:

  • The journey doesn't end with implantation. Maintaining your new teeth is crucial, requiring regular cleaning and proper care as instructed by your dental professional.
  • Routine visits to your dentist are vital to monitor the health of your soft tissues, bone levels, and the integrity of your restorations and natural teeth.

Diverse Situations and Corresponding Dental Implant Solutions:

Dental implants come in different forms, each designed to address specific dental concerns. Lets explore these options:

1. Single Tooth Implants: Fixing Isolated Issues

  • Single tooth implants are your go-to solution when you have a single missing or damaged tooth. They work wonders in resolving problems caused by infection, failed root fillings, trauma, or root fractures.
  • If you've faced repeated issues with crowns or don't have enough of your natural tooth left to support a new crown, single tooth implants step in to save the day.
  • These implants do more than restore your smile; they also help correct any misalignment issues in nearby and opposing teeth, enhancing both your dental health and appearance.
  • If you've been considering replacing dental bridges to avoid future complications and the high costs associated with harming your healthy teeth, single tooth implants provide a reliable alternative.
  • The ultimate goal? To offer a long-lasting solution that feels natural, functions smoothly, and safeguards the well-being of your adjacent teeth and supporting bone.

2. Implants for Adjoining Teeth: Perfect for Multiple Concerns

  • They are a preferable choice over dentures or problematic bridges, giving you the confidence to savor your favorite foods without worry.
  • Unlike dental bridges, which may require drilling of healthy teeth and could potentially reduce their lifespan, implants for adjoining teeth ensure your natural teeth stay intact and healthy.
  • These implants also tackle the unwanted side effects caused by dental bridges, such as their impact on supporting teeth and the underlying gum bone.
  • Finally, you get to enjoy the benefits of fixed, non-removable teeth replacements that maintain your oral health without causing further harm. 

3. Complete Sets of Teeth Implants: Comprehensive Solutions

  • For those facing the loss or failure of upper and/or lower teeth, complete sets of teeth implants offer a holistic solution.
  • These implants are the answer when your remaining teeth can't provide the necessary support for a denture or bridge.
  • They bid farewell to the discomfort, insecurity, and inconvenience often associated with conventional dentures.
  • By choosing permanently fixed bridges or removable bridges supported by implants, you can restore both natural chewing function and appearance.
  • At the end of this treatment option, these implants look and function naturally, ensuring a secure and comfortable experience that boosts your confidence.

If you're dealing with dental issues like tooth decay, a knocked-out tooth, or damaged enamel that may require a dental restoration, such as Dental Replacement Kitsilano, don't hesitate to reach out to Arbutus North Dental Centre today. Scheduling a routine checkup not only brings peace of mind but also puts an end to any uncertainty. It allows you to understand the exact treatment needed to address your specific dental concern and provides a clear, well-defined dental solution.

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Arbutus North Dental Centre

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Arbutus North Dental Centre
Joined: September 26th, 2023
Articles Posted: 2

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