Newborn Diapers: Things Every New Parents Must Know

Posted by Harleen Kaur on February 27th, 2024

Parenthood is an emotional and roller-coaster journey. As a new parent, you have to take care of so many things, from buying the correct newborn diapers to understanding their unspoken words. If you are a new parent in town, then this comprehensive guide will introduce you to everything about baby diapers.

Are Diapers Safe for Babies?

The foremost query of every new parent is “Are Diapers Safe”. We take this opportunity to establish the fact that diapers are safe for newborns. The materials of newborn diapers used by brands are fully safe for the baby's skin. Some brands even use sheets that are enriched with the goodness of coconut extract. So, don’t be concerned whether is it safe to use diapers for newborn or not, as it is safe to use baby diapers for the apple of everyone’s eye.

5 Reasons Why Parents Must Use New Baby Diapers

In old times, parents used cotton napkins for their babies. But the prolonged use of them leads to skin rashes in newborns. In present times, you should use diapers for the following reasons: 

1. Prevent infections: 

Baby diapers maintain hygiene and prevent bacterial growth. It's advisable to change the diapers from time to time.

2. Keep the baby comfortable and dry. 

Due to the absorbent material used in newborn baby diapers, babies feel dry and comfortable in diapers. 

3. Undisturbed Sleep 

Sound sleep directly impacts the growth and development of the baby. The use of a high-absorbent diaper at night not only prevents leakage and discomfort while sleeping but also promotes the sound sleep of the baby. 

4. Ease of Travel

Diapers enable the parents to undertake a trip with their newborn babies. The availability of disposable diapers makes it easier for babies to change their diapers while travelling. 

5. Convenience for Parents 

Parenting is emotionally draining. Use of the best newborn diapers enables parents to save time and energy as they don't have to constantly wash and dry diapers. 

Things to Consider While Buying Newborn Diapers:

1. Fit 

Imagine your baby wearing a diaper that looks baggy. It sounds uncomfortable, right? Fit is one of the key parameters that you must consider while buying new baby diapers. A snug fit is key. Look for diapers with stretchy waistbands and leg cuffs that hug without leaving red marks. 

2. Absorbency

Newborns urinate at any time. It becomes important to buy diapers with high absorbency. Leaks not only irritate a baby but also lead to skin irritation. Opt for infant diapers with wetness indicators that change colour when it's time for a change. 

3. Breathability and Stretchability 

The skin of the newborn baby is very delicate and sensitive, making it vital for the diaper material to be soft and breathable. As far as stretchability is concerned, the newborn baby diapers should be flexible enough to fit comfortably without leaving marks. 

4. Weight

Do you know newborn diapers sizes keep changing as per their increasing weight? If your baby weighs between 7 and 12 kg, you should choose the M size of the diaper. So, it is advisable not to stock up on one size. 

How do Prevent Rashes?

Diaper rash is common; however, you can prevent its occurrence in babies by following the below tips: 

  • Frequent changes: Aim for every 2-3 hours, and definitely after poo explosions.
  • Wipe wisely: Choose gentle, fragrance-free wipes and pat dry thoroughly. Let some air time do its magic!
  • Fresh air: After washing, leave the area open for some fresh air. 
  • Apply Cream: Moisturise the skin of the baby properly.
  • Diaper-free time: Let your little one air out whenever possible. 
  • Identify sensitivities: If rashes persist, consult your pediatrician to rule out allergies or other causes.

As a new parent, it becomes important for you to be equipped with complete and right knowledge. We understand that parenting is a daunting responsibility, but at the end of the day, your newborn baby is dependent on you for care. The care starts with buying the right newborn diapers. We hope that the above-shared guide will help you to buy diapers for your babies easily.

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Harleen Kaur

About the Author

Harleen Kaur
Joined: July 30th, 2020
Articles Posted: 58

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