How to Transform Your Commute Into Reading Time

Posted by Mitul on April 4th, 2024

Are you utterly sick of wasting hours every week stuck in soul-sucking traffic jams or confined to crowded buses and trains? Instead of mindlessly doomscrolling or raging at other drivers, you could actually turn that otherwise wasted transit time into gloriously productive reading sessions. Whether you're a die-hard bookworm or just someone seeking a mental escape from the daily grind, it's totally possible to optimize every commuting minute for literary adventures! Just follow these simple steps. 

Part 1: Conquer the Obstacles

Tackle Motion Sickness: If reading in moving vehicles makes your stomach do somersaults, don't fret! Listening to audiobooks could be your personal reading transit hack. With a skilled narrator's voice as your guide, you can keep your eyes focused outside while still getting immersed in riveting stories or non-fiction listens.

Another option is adjusting your physical reading position. For some, tilting the book towards your line of sight and expanding your field of vision makes all the difference in taming transitsickness. You could even grab an affordable book stand to keep your reading material optimally angled.

Train Your Wandering Mind: Struggling to concentrate amidst the constant stop-and-go chaos of commutes? Instead of fighting an unwinnable battle against dense novels, opt for shorter reading pieces in 20-30 minute bursts using the nifty Pomodoro Technique.

During those intervals, commit to focusing intently on short stories, magazine articles, or long-form journalism pieces before taking a 5 minute break to reset your brain. The compact time chunks mesh perfectly with jerky transit schedules.

Ditch the Heavy Book Baggage: Few things are as miserable as lugging multiple bulky books through train terminals and across parking lots, am I right? Fortunately, we live in an era with far lighter reading options:

For the Digitally-Inclined

E-readers like Kindles allow you to store entire compact libraries without destroying your back and shoulders. Just grab your featherweight device and go!

For Old-School Book Lovers

Still adore that sweet book textile aroma? No problem! Simply borrow from your local library so you only have to carry one literary tome at a time, trading it in for fresh reads when finished.

Part 2: Curating Your Transit Literature 

Once you've tackled formats and logistics, the real fun begins - choosing fascinating reading material perfectly suited for your daily commute experience! 

Savor Bite-Sized Gems for Short Journeys

For those quick 20-45 minute commutes, self-contained pieces like short stories, essays, longform articles or poetry allow you to fully immerse yourself in a complete narrative before hopping off at your stop. Some top recommendations:

  • Collections of short fiction or essays
  • Poetry anthologies
  • Compelling longform magazine journalism

Indulge in Epic Audiobooks on the Long Haul Nothing helps make miles rapidly disappear like getting utterly swept away in an incredible audiobook. For those facing extended commutes, I highly suggest scouring reviews for titles with simply mesmerizing narrators who breathe life into every character and conflict.

Pro Tip: Experiment with bumping up that narration speed if things feel a little too plodding at 1x. Many bookworms find 1.25x or 1.5x is the ideal zipping pace!

Enrich Your Mind with Podcasts

In between your book binges, tuning into educational podcasts can be a brilliant way to pick up new skills or simply refresh your perspectives on current events and niche topics. Audio courses and lectures also offer food for thought during those travel hours.

Part 3: Master Your Reading Transit Setup

To read comfortably anytime, anywhere, a bit of preparation and organization goes a long way. Follow these tips: 

Get Ready the Night Before Each evening, take 5-10 minutes to gather all the supplies for your upcoming commuting literary adventures. This could include:

  • Downloading any new audiobook episodes for the road
  • Updating reading lists on your e-reader app
  • Ensuring devices are fully charged
  • Packing that next riveting paperback into your bag

Invest in Quality Noise-Canceling Gear:

One of the biggest challenges when reading during transit is dealing with distracting ambient noise - from loud passengers to rumbling engines to buskers performing mere feet away.

Excellent noise-canceling headphones allow you to create your own blissfully silent book nook no matter how chaotic your actual surroundings. They send a gentle "do not disturb" signal too.

Experiment to Find Your Ideal Format

People's reading preferences and motion sensitivities can vary drastically, so stay open-minded! What works seamlessly for your buddy might not be the magical fit for YOUR commute routine.

Perhaps you start as a steadfast "real book" devotee but eventually fall head-over-heels for the convenience of ebooks. Or maybe physical reading initially makes you nauseous until you chance upon the perfect position hack. Embrace the process of experimentation!

Part 4: Reap the Rewards

Once you've got your commuting book routine down pat, you'll promptly start experiencing its beautiful benefits: 

Reclaim "Wasted" Time for Self-Enrichment: Why allow those otherwise dormant travel hours to simply evaporate when they could be spent consuming amazing literature, learning masterpieces, or transporting narratives? Those cumulative book minutes rapidly stack into completed reads that expand your knowledge.

Discover a Portable Oasis of Calm: For many frazzled commuters, delving into great writing offers the ultimate temporary escape from work pressures, traffic madness, and the stresses of daily grind. You get to exist in your own vivid mental world for a little while, a simple pleasure that restores peace of mind.

Cultivate an Unshakeable Reading Habit: By making reading a fixed part of your daily transit routine, you're actively reinforcing the habit over time whether you realize it or not. Those commute reading sessions help build comprehension skills and steadily increase your overall literary appetite. Utter win!

With some trial-and-error to land on your ideal format and setup, transforming commute time into "read book while commuting" bliss is refreshingly simple! So have an open mind, pack those supplies, and turn those next traffic jams into exciting story time from the very first brake light.

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Joined: February 10th, 2020
Articles Posted: 4

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