Why Diamond Will Rule The Jewellery Market For Years To Come?

Posted by onlinejewellery on November 7th, 2016

Until today, gold was the only safe option for the people. Not just in terms of the ornaments, but they also took it as a safe investment that could be turned easily into liquid money at the time of crisis. But with the prices of gold touching the sky, people turned their ways towards diamond jewellery.

Be it Diamond Sets or diamond rings, people specifically buy this stone just because it oozes out class and prestigious aura. But is diamond going to dominate the jewellery market in the future as well? Why?

    Easily Accessible-

There was a time when people only used to buy gold ornaments for wedding purposes because it was easily available and diamonds are a rare gem. But in the present scenario, things have changed drastically. Today, India has more than three lakhs jewellery stores, and the number keeps on increasing. Diamonds have become easy to purchase.


With the ever-changing fashion styles, women keep looking for different styles of jewellery to match with their clothing and lifestyle. Diamond jewellery gives out a subtle look as compared to gold jewellery and hence very popular with the modern working women who want to adorn some everyday jewellery. These come with a lot of options and designs.


One of the major reasons behind people turning towards diamonds is the price. Gone are the days when owning a piece of diamond jewellery was meant only for the affluent class. Diamonds are available now at affordable prices and hence can be purchased easily.

    Purchasing Power-

The purchasing power plays a very important role in the ornaments that you buy. With time, people’s purchasing power has increased, and with that, their shopping pattern and taste have changed as well. On top of that, certified diamond jewellery, exchange policies, and the buyback schemes have triggered the growth of the diamond industry as well.


More often than not, gold is mixed with some other alloys like silver, copper, etc. However, the metal used for diamond jewellery is not mixed with other alloys. Much importance is given to the colour, clarity and cut of the diamond.

All of these points surely clear out the obscurity that might have been there regarding the importance of the diamonds in the jewellery market. Whether it is about buying Diamond Sets or diamond bangles, women have a lot of options, in terms of designs, gems, stones, prices, etc. Hence, it is quite clear that the trend of the diamond is going to be there in the coming years as well.

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Joined: November 7th, 2016
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