How to Write an Attention Grabbing Resume or a CV

Posted by Sally Wilkinson on November 22nd, 2016

Need to polish your resume or CV for a new job? Here are several helpful tips to get you started:

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Be Concise

The first rule of resume and CV writing is to be brief. Do not write long sentences. Keep in mind that job recruiters only glance at new CVs. Most jobs get hundreds of applications, so you have only a matter of seconds to grab hold of the recruiter’s attention. Being concise helps here as the recruiter will be able to go through your CV quickly. Also, it helps you to convey only the necessary and most important information. That’s how you grab attention.

Avoid Using Clichéd Terms

Do not used vague phrases that are commonly found in most CVs and resumes. For example, “great team player,” “good leadership skills,” “excellent communicator” are overused terms that convey little meaning. Everyone claims to be a good team player, so what makes you so different. That’s what you should focus on when writing your resume. Try to stand out from the fray by conveying what’s most unique about you and your abilities.

Don’t Make Exaggerated Claims

When you try to stand out, it’s easy to steer off the path. Some applicants end up making seriously exaggerated claims in order to advertise themselves. Don’t do this. If you put something in your CV, it should be true to the dot. Experienced job recruiters have a keen eye for spotting hyperbolic claims about oneself. Even if the rest of your resume looks good, trying to appear larger than life will hurt your chances at being taken seriously.

Keep the Overall Length of the CV or Resume Short

It’s conventional to keep everything on a resume to one page. CVs may go to a second page. Anything longer than that is considered unnecessary, unless you have a long and illustrious career. If you are applying for a first job, it’s best to put everything on the first page. Don’t make the resume or CV longer than necessary. Job recruiters often don’t take the time to turn to the second page.

Don’t Overuse Verbs and Phrases

Don’t reuse certain verbs and phrases over and over again. You will only make your application look redundant. It will also make it seem like you are just repeating doing the same job and different places. So, try to use different terms as much as possible. Try to bring out what’s important about each job.

Focus on Best Parts of a Precious Job

When you list pervious job skills, list only the most important parts. Do not list conducting mundane office tasks as a skill. You need show the experience you gained at your previous places of employment that may come in handy at the new place. You may have to customise the resume for each application in this regard.

List Past Job Experiences in Chronological Order

When you list professional experiences, start with the most recent and go down from that. People have a tendency to rank job experiences in the order of importance. Don’t do this. Stick to chronological order.

Stick to the above list and you will have a great CV or resume in your hands.

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Sally Wilkinson

About the Author

Sally Wilkinson
Joined: September 22nd, 2016
Articles Posted: 9

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