Controlling the Bad Breath

Posted by nabeelshaukat on August 21st, 2010

Controlling the bad breath:

Halitosis is an embarrassing situation, which should be minimized. Halitosis or bad breath is normally a problem of many people. There are millions of bacteria that live in our mouth, and convert the food substances into compounds that have very bad odor. Particularly, these bacteria live under the tongue, warm, and moist. These places are ideal for the growth of these bacteria, which in turns results in bad breath. There are a number of ways to help cure from an unhealthy breath easily.

1.    Try to breath through your nose, instead of breathing through the mouth. Breathing through mouth leads to dryness in the mouth, which increase the growth of the bacteria causing a bad odor.

2.    Reduce your drinking and smoking habits. Obviously, it is hard to do for many people, but in order to get rid of from this unpleasant problem; you should reduce this habit up to some extent. There are many medicines available in the market, which help to reduce smoking.

3.    Eat carrots, and cucumber. These are the things, which eliminate bad breath by breaking down the oral bacteria that produces the bad breath.

4.    Use a mouth wash that has fluoride, and antiseptic ingredients with a mint flavor. It will help you to protect your teeth and gums, and will lead to a pleasant breath.

5.    It is advisable to floss after every meal. It will wash out the meat strands, and other food particles from your mouth. So, there are low chances that the oral bacteria will produce the bad odor sulfur compounds.

6.    One of the best solutions of the bad breath is to drink plenty of water. It washes out the bacteria, and food particles from your tongue, teeth, and gums. It also prevents from dryness in the mouth that causes bad odor.

7.    The rough skinned fruits, like apple and vegetables are very helpful in the elimination or reduction of bad breath, and these are excellent for your health as well.

8.    After eating an oily or greasy food, make sure to brush your teeth, gums, and tongue to avoid from an unhealthy breath.

9.    A balanced diet is very important for the proper functioning of our digestive system. Use those foods, which are rich in fibers, as these are much necessary for curing constipation. Many studies show that the bowel movements eliminate many toxic substances from our body that can cause bad breath.

10.                        After having a dinner or lunch, you normally feel bad breath from your mouth. If this is the case then drinking water is a simple solution to it. Water will temporarily remove the bacteria from your mouth, and will make your breath more acceptable. Moreover, over eating is also a big cause of the bad breath. Try to eat normal, instead of eating too much, to avoid from bad breath. You can also chew the mint leaves after having your meal; this will help a lot to deal with the bad breath. If your mouth smells every time, when you take a meal, then you can use the mint leaves on continuous basis, unless you find a permanent solution to this problem.


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