Things to Have on Your Baby?s First Outing

Posted by Sophia Addison on May 25th, 2017

Your baby’s first outing might not be a milestone for others but it should definitely be treated like one by you. It will be the first time your baby will experience fresh air, and see new colours and get different kinds of smells, it will all be a new and wonderful experience for the baby, and therefore it is necessary to treasure this moment. But with all the excitement you should not forget to be properly prepared. Here are some things that are essential you have on your baby’s first outing.

                                                 Image Source: Pixabay

Diaper Bag

Having a fully equipped diaper bag is crucial; you need to be able to cater to all your baby’s needs. For example, if your baby gets hungry you either need to have milk bottles in your diaper bag along with a bottle warmer. But if you forget your milk bottles then you always have the option of breastfeeding, but to make the task easier it would be better to pack a nursing pillow.

Other items you need to have in your diaper bag are plenty of diapers, this is a necessity, it is because your baby is definitely going to have an accident while you are out, and therefore it is essential that you bring a change of clothes along with a changing pad, baby wipes, baby powder, and a blanket.


For better mobility, you can either get yourself a stroller or a baby carrier. When picking out a stroller it is necessary to carefully go through all your options and look into each detail. It would be better if you treated it as an investment and purchased one which is of high quality, as you will be putting your baby in it and you cannot afford to buy one that is cheap, and will not last for long. The best place to buy high-quality strollers are from Phil and teds, you will find other good quality products like baby carriers as well as car seats.


It is necessary to take snacks, not only for the baby but for you as well, as even after a few months giving birth, you need to breastfeed your child, and therefore you need to pay attention to the food you take in. Having a form of visual stimulation is also a good idea, it is because you can keep your baby entertained and busy when a situation that you have no control over arises.

Car Situation

As I mentioned before having a car seat is a must, as it contributes to your baby’s safety. What many people forget to mention is that when you put your baby in the car seat at the back, you will end up listening to your baby scream and cry till you reach the desired destination, this is due to the baby not being able to see you. Therefore you can consider fixing a backseat mirror; this way you can have eyes on the baby at all times and you can also consider taking a picture of yourself behind the backseat, so your baby will not feel lonely.

I have the above information will help you be well prepared for your baby’s first outing!

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Sophia Addison

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Sophia Addison
Joined: August 31st, 2016
Articles Posted: 111

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