A Good Resume Will Streamline the Job Search Process

Posted by Anderson Mike on June 22nd, 2017

A resume is the first impression you have on an employer so you want to ensure you make a positive and effective one. No matter how qualified you are for a position, a poorly written or formatted resume will not land you that interview. Having a resume that’s both keyword optimized for resume screeners which most employers use, and effective when a hiring manager reads it, is half the battle for your job search. Here are some things you also want to keep in mind when writing a resume that will land you an interview.


You need to quickly and effectively tell the employer who you are, how you’re qualified and why you’re a good fit for the position with a well worded summary. Avoid using an objective on your resume as they’re outdated and ineffective.

Know company’s goal:

Make sure your resume aligns with what the job posting asks for. You need to keep the information on your resume relevant and show the hiring manager why you’re a good fit for that particular position.

Promote you achievements:

When there are hundreds of other applicants, how do you stand out? You focus on your achievements rather than your duties or responsibilities.You should also include quantifiable achievements throughout the Resume editing. This really captures the attention of a hiring manager. Use numbers wherever possible!

Format for ATS:

Most employers use an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) to screen resumes so you need to ensure you utilize a standard resume format and include relevant keywords. These screeners look for keywords, experience, education and skills that match what the position is asking for. Look at the job posting for relevant keywords you can incorporate into your resume.

Big NO to photograph, charts or graphs:

You should never include your photograph on a resume. It gives away your age, takes up unnecessary real estate and is just unprofessional. No hiring manager wants to see what you look like – it will do more harm than good. In addition, using photographs, charts or graphs will confuse an ATS. When that happens, it’s unable to read the resume and will automatically reject it.

Send a Cover Letter:

You should send a cover letter to each position you apply to. There is a lot of bad advice that says you don’t need a cover letter and that employers don’t care for them. While it’s true that some don’t read cover letters, many still do and place a lot of importance on them.

Use of an effective title:

You should also give your resume a title.

  • For example: Developer and Project Manager with Leadership Experience

This quickly tells the hiring manager who you are and the position you’re applying for.

There are very few renowned Free Resume Review Servicesthat you may choose to rely on for the purpose of getting a useful critique of your resume. The above tips should aid you in developing a good resume. Resume writing is not easy for anyone and if you want to get the best results, it’s better to contact Professional Resume Writing Services such as https://www.zipjob.com who also doResume editing.

For more info:- Professional Resume Writing Services

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Anderson Mike

About the Author

Anderson Mike
Joined: November 22nd, 2016
Articles Posted: 1