Quick Information on Industrial Property Auctions

Posted by highstreetauction on June 27th, 2017

Many people prefer going to auctions for buying residential as well as industrial properties. In this article focus will be on industrial auctions mainly. In industrial auctions industrial properties are auctioned and the interested buyers start bidding to finally arrive at a bid at which the property in question will be sold to that bidder whose bidding amount got finalized. Industrial Property Auctionsalso happen in impressive numbers in South Africa and people there prefer buying industrial assets through auctions.


Online auctions are the online or electronic version of the entire auction process, where all interested bidders for a particular asset bids online instead of personally going to the physical auction site. The advantages of online auctioning is that many people from varied geographical distances can bid simultaneously, cutting across the barriers of space.


Some rules that need to be followed while attending an auction are as follow

  1. A thorough research should be done and the homework on the property (the one being auctioned) one is interested in should be done properly. For this purpose online searching or asking the agent at the auction site as many questions as you want to seek all valuable information need to be done.

  2. It will be a good idea to attend other similar industrial auctions before attending the one they are actually interested to buy property from. This experience will help them get a clear-cut idea and understanding of how things go in industrial auctions, how bidding is done and what is to be expected in industrial auctions.


  1. Research on pricing of similar industrial properties in the area to know in mind to what extent bidding price actually the property deserves to be bought at. Your money is surly precious to you so before investing know if the property you are investing on actually is worth that amount or not.

  2. Do not get emotionally hyper and start bidding abnormally high. You should not pay more than the property’s real worth or it will be a loss for you. Know the real worth and bid accordingly. You are in the auction to buy industrial property and not to show off your financial freedom.


  1. Be confident and look decisive in every bid you make because if you can intimidate others present in the auction, then they will surrender sooner. At auctions psychological or mind games need to be done. Bid in higher amount and do not hesitate as this Industrial Property Auctions market is heavily influenced by human behavior.

  1. Look successful and wealthy and you will intimidate your competitors.

  2. Even if you happen to come across your closest friend or even a blood relative at the auction, please control your tongue to disclose to them the exact amount you can spend. Do never reveal your limit at auctions.

  3. Do not push your limit and get emotionally attached to the industrial property being auctioned. Know your affordability and take buying and bidding decisions judiciously.

If one can follow these, buying property from auctions will be fruitful.

About the Author:

The writer is an expert in the field of Online Property Auctions with focus on Auctions For Property

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