Switching from a Sitting to a Sit Stand Desk

Posted by Madison Liquidators on July 6th, 2017

There are so many reasons to switch from an ordinary desk to sit at to a desk that allows you to stand up. Not only are there health benefits but you will also be more productive as working in a position that you are comfortable in allows you to get more work done. If you spend the entire day sitting at a desk you will likely have natural urges to get up and walk around. When this happens, you likely lose focus and end up at another area of your office when you really could be at your desk completing the work you had started. Instead of leaving your desk, you can simply switch from a sitting to a standing position, remain on task and complete you work at a quicker and more comfortable pace.

Transitioning from sitting all day long to both sitting and standing throughout the course of the day is a change that becomes comfortable after a week or so. After your first 2-3 days of making the change you might notice less strain in your back, reduced neck and shoulder pain and building of new leg muscle.

If you currently experience neck and shoulder pain while working at your desk, the addition of a height adjustable monitor mount can not only free up desk space but will also allow you to keep from looking at a downward angle when you should be looking straight forward. The key to reducing and eliminating muscle pain while working at a desk is all solved with one word, ergonomics. The three biggest factors that attribute to muscle pain are your chair, your posture and your ability to sit and stand freely throughout the course of the work day.

Switching from a sitting position to a place in your office to where you can sit and stand at your convenience shouldn’t be a thought that it is daunting. Look forward to it because the health benefits which can include weight loss and reduced muscle pain will have a long lasting affect and allow you to get more done in a healthier manner.

For affordable solutions to get you up and out of your chair, check out the selection at Madison Liquidators where they have adjustable desk risers that you can place directly on your existing desktop or electric height adjustable desks that have built in presets for all the positions you might work in throughout the course of a work day.

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Madison Liquidators

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Madison Liquidators
Joined: December 19th, 2016
Articles Posted: 10

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