Top 10 Mistakes Most People Commit while doing laundry

Posted by Mintklean Dry Cleaning on August 14th, 2017

Making too much use of detergent? Overloading the washer? Overdoing the bleach?

STOP! You are doing your laundry wrong. Laundry is not just washing clothes. It requires a set of skills to get the best results. If you only consider doing laundry as grabbing an armful of piled up clothes, pouring them in a random amount of detergent and fabric softener and pressing 'GO', then you are sadly mistaken. There are a few simple mistakes that most people commit while doing laundry.

Before you reach out to laundry services in London, here is a record of common mistakes that need to be overruled to master the art of laundering.

Rubbing the stains like crazy

Rubbing the stains like crazy

What could be worse than having a stain on your favourite shirt? It is none other than wearing away the fabric by excessive rubbing. Be gentle and methodical with stains. Treat them as soon as possible and make sure you are using a white cloth while dabbing so that colours cannot transfer.

Washing an item with a 'Dry Clean' label

Most items like natural fibers such as linen and silks do not get harmed when hand-washed and air-dried. The first step is to check for colourfastness. For doing this, ready a moist cotton ball with mild detergent and dab it on the hidden seam of the cloth to check if some dye comes off or not. However, sticking to dry-cleaning for categories like leather, silk or structured pieces like blazers should be considered. Get in touch with a London Laundry for dry-cleaning and laundry services in London.

Not zipping the zippers all the way to the top

Imagine the scenario where metallic teeth of the zip can snag the delicate woven clothing being washed in the same load. In order to avoid other sensitive fabrics by the teeth that are left open, zip everything up completely.

Washing the shirts all buttoned up

Washing the shirts all buttoned up might sound like a fun idea. It actually causes all the buttons to stress out and buttonholes to expand. This might lead to premature popping out of buttons. If you do not want your buttonholes to extend and not hold the buttons firmly, unbutton your shirt before dropping it inside the machine.

 5.Not keeping your washing machine in level with the floor

Not keeping your washing machine in level with the floor

There are vibrations that are generated when a machine is turned on. These vibrations can damage your floor and cause wear and tear of key components. Keep your washer in level with the floor and let the shock absorbers and tub bearings thank you for that. Avoid the irritating noise that is caused due to the unleveled washer. Fixing the floor with plywood of the required thickness that is a little larger than the machine's base is a good idea to absorb vibrations.

Letting the machine take rest between successive loads

Are you one of those who put in a new set of load one hour after the previous one has been taken out? Filling back-to-back dryer loads is a smart and efficient strategy. This way the heat generated from the previous cycle is used effectively in the successive one.

Making an overuse of bleach

Bleach might let you get rid of blood, sweat or any other rigid stain but wait, the list does not stop here. It also rules out the essential dyes present in your fiber. You might experience a change in colour by applying excessive bleach. Of course, you would not want your red prom dress to turn white overnight, right?

 Not turning the clothes inside out

Not turning the clothes inside out

The exteriors of your clothes contain graphics and prints that might vanish away if you expose them to friction caused between various clothes in the same load. Turn your clothes inside out before you wash them for their better life. Turning clothes inside out means all buttons and sequins will be towards the inside. This will also prevent a sequin getting damaged by being entangled with a button.

Not sorting your clothes right

Keep all the dark colours like red, purple etc. in one slot, keep all the pastels in another and keep the whites distinguished. This will ensure cutting down the risk of the colours bleeding into each other.

Not washing the socks separately

We have all experienced how magically a sock goes missing during a wash. It is recommended to load all socks either in the beginning or at the end of the wash.

MintKlean is a London Laundry that takes care of your clothes and adds life and colour to them. Our gentle cleaning methods, affordable prices, unmatched customer service brings you a 100% quality guarantee. Drop your dirty pile of clothes along with your stress with us!

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Mintklean Dry Cleaning

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Mintklean Dry Cleaning
Joined: August 14th, 2017
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