San Diego is the best place for whale watching and cruise

Posted by John on September 17th, 2017

Each and every year, more than 20,000 gray whales make a 10,000-mile round-trip journey from Alaska to the waterways of Baja California, where the girls give birth to their calves. Soon after spending time in warm Baja Florida waters so their young could grow strong, they make the voyage north again in spring. Typically the longest known distance any mammal migrates on an annual basis, it's truly an extraordinary spectacle to observe. Using 70 miles of coastline instantly in the migration path, San Diego is a perfect destination to see this impressive attend of gentle giants. According to the Birch Aquarium in San Diego is the best place for whale watching, gray whales generally travel alone or throughout pods of two or three but more can be seen traveling together during optimum migration season. These giants are generally roughly the width of a baseball court and cruise at a common speed of five knots

Summer as well as fall best whale watching san diego
Orange whales, the largest creatures on earth along with thought to be among the most endangered of the wonderful whales, may be found off the seacoast of San Diego mid-June through October. In fact, the largest group of blue whales in the world, some 2, 000 to three, 000, feed off the California seacoast during the summer months. These magnificent mammals, who can be 100-feet, give away their very own location by spouting a 30-foot column of water in the air that could be seen from miles away. Typically the migratory patterns of blue whales have been tracked from the Antarctic for you to California to Costa Rica. Within ocean temperatures and the abundance involving krill over the past few years have fascinated far more blue whales to San Diego's coast than in the past. Since orange whales tend to be found further to sea than their gray whale cousins, it's recommended to the enterprise on a boat trip versus seeing from the shore in order to catch some sort of glimpse of these incredible leviathans.

What to prepare for

Most blue whale watching san diego season excursions start in San Diego's Big Fresh and since the migration takes place in the deep waters of the Hawaiian, Blue Whale Watching cruises last up to four hours.

When leaving the bay, most cruises go massive active and retired government vessels like the USS Midway and historic landmarks that populate the Bay front like the lighthouse with the Cabrillo National Monument.

In terms of fauna, expect to see plenty of blue whales, finback whales (the world's subsequent largest whale), humpback whales, dolphins and sea lions.

To help you discover the amazing fauna you will encounter, a lot of cruise companies provide printed data guides and some even have naturalists via local museums like the San Diego All-natural History Museum or the Birch Tank at Scripps to narrate typically the cruise. Crew members will also be in search of spouts to make sure you don't miss all these amazing creatures.

For getting more information about whale watching season san diego visit the website

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