Could This Anti-Aging Breakthrough Be

Posted by Greg M. Fletcher on October 27th, 2017

Aging has been a concern for many people. Even though there are various recommended ways to slow down the process, it still remains an inevitable event to expect. Although scientists have often promised that someday we will be able to reverse aging, that dream is far off reach as existing studies and breakthroughs offer nothing much different from what we have known in the past... hold that thought, something new has come up.  

Niagen, or nicotinamide riboside as it is scientifically known, has hit the market and it's already making headlines. According to new research studies, this new naturally occurring compound provides new insights that will help scientists look at anti-aging in a new light.  

Causes of aging and where Niagen comes in 

From research, aging is a process primarily caused by an ever-deteriorating communication between the nucleus (of our cells) and mitochondria. The nucleus contains DNA instructions and other essential matter critical for human growth. Mitochondria on the other hand provide the energy needed to run cells. A symbiotic relationship and communication between these two is essential for both growth and well-being. When the communications get dull, our cells rapidly die and few new ones emerge leading to aging and death.  

In addition to those two, a metabolite known as NAD+ is responsible for protection against DNA damage and stress. It is also solely responsible for cellular activity. As we age the levels of NAD+ drop eventually resulting in poor communication between the mitochondria and nucleus. Studies have now revealed that boosting levels of NAD+ metabolite can reverse premature aging and significantly slow down the process of cellular death and degradation. Luckily, NAD+ is a naturally occurring compound, a member of Vitamin B3 found in milk and beer. Niagen (nicotinamide riboside) is the first ever NAD+ only supplements that contain no other compound. It is provided to increase metabolism of NAD+ and increase natural levels on the body.  

How does this science work? 

Once you understand how NAD+ impacts aging, the picture becomes clearer. Raised levels of NAD+ will increase cellular activity and maintain strong communication between the nucleus and mitochondria, once again establishing a seamless relationship. Mitochondria provides the energy needed, the nucleus hosts information needed for growth and regeneration, NAD+ levels sustain communication between the two.  

Clinical trials 

To verify their findings, researchers used a group of six men and six women who were given a single oral dose of Niagen after every 7 days. When tested, the results showed that Niagen increased the levels of NAD+ by high amounts as per the dose given. It was the proof needed to determine if Niagen can increase natural metabolism and availability of the metabolite NAD+.  

The benefits of Niagen 

The benefits of Niagen are quite obvious and straightforward. Unlike other anti-aging solutions that involve external application, this vital vitamin supplement targets the root cause of aging and decreased cellular activity. It therefore works more effectively towards reversing premature aging and its causes.  

Niagen is also made from natural compounds (vitamin B3) already found in beer and milk. The human body has no problem metabolizing and absorbing Niagen. This is a critical advantage that cannot be said of many anti-aging supplements available in the market.  

Niagen has also been tested clinically where participants were given varying doses of the vitamin. The result indicated that NAD+ levels were higher by the same percentage in those given higher doses. This proves it results in increased levels of NAD+ which is the main reason Niagen is provided.  

Lastly, Niagen is available as a pure supplement only containing the vitamin and comes as a 250mg capsule pure nicotinamide riboside (100%). With no additives, synthetic compounds, magnesium and other elements, it is one of the safest supplements and can also be taken with other nutritional supplements.  


Following the groundbreaking research findings, various companies have already provided their unique forms of Niagen, but all retain the name and most provide the exact same formula. Nevertheless, it is important to confirm that the supplement you buy is the genuine product without any extra ingredients.  

Niagen is ideal for anyone and there is no age restriction although it is reasonable to keep your developing babies away from such vitamin supplements since they do not need it. Even with more research to come, pundits and critics alike have already forecast overwhelming demand and boosted performance compared to other anti-aging options.

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Greg M. Fletcher

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Greg M. Fletcher
Joined: August 15th, 2017
Articles Posted: 3

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