Where To Find The Best Lawyer in Portsmouth

Posted by juliabennet on September 6th, 2011

If you have been accused of a DWI and are looking for the best lawyer in Portsmouth, you should consider DWI GUY.  This is a lawyer who will make sure that your rights are defended in a court of law.  Those who do not get attorneys to help them when they have been accused of this crime end up paying more in penalties as well as usually lose their license.  It can be devastating to lose your license because it can mean that you cannot get to work.  This means if you lose your license in New Hampshire because of a DWI, you also risk losing your job.  DWI GUY will make sure that your rights are defended in Portsmouth as well as other parts of New Hampshire. 

Naturally, a DWI is something that a person wants to avoid.  However, there are times when someone can be accused of this crime and end up paying a huge price for a small mistake.  Anyone who takes a drink outside of the home and has to drive home risks getting a DWI.  They may have one or two drinks and elevate their blood alcohol level.  And the police can pull people over for just about any minor infraction, even if they have not been swerving all over the road and wreaking havoc.  In fact, there are some places where the police will lay in wait for those coming out of bars just so they can get them for this crime.  A person never knows just how much they can drink without being considered legally drunk. 

In Portsmouth, just as is the case of the rest of New Hampshire, the DWI laws are tough.  They can even include jail time for some people.  DWI GUY is a lawyer who will be able to defend your rights and make sure that you get less in penalties and fines.  Daniel Hynes, the lawyer at DWI GUY, knows how to defend a case as well as how to plea it down so that you end up paying less and get less of a penalty.  In some cases, he can get the charges dismissed or have you acquitted.  If you who are in the Portsmouth area and have been accused of this crime, you will be doing yourself a favor by hiring DWI GUY to defend you in court. 

Going into court and hoping that the judge will not give you stiff fines and even jail time is foolish.  This is no time to try to defend yourself in a court of law.  Even lawyers will hire other lawyers to defend them in legal matters because the person who acts as their own lawyer has a fool for a client.  DWI GUY can minimize the impact of the DWI and even help you keep your license in Portsmouth.  This can mean the difference between losing your job and keeping it if you, like most people, depend upon your car to get to work.  Instead of just going with the conviction and taking a severe punishment from the court that may not fit the crime, it is better for anyone who has been accused of a driving offense such as a DUI in Portsmouth to retain DWI GUY as a lawyer. 

If you find yourself facing a DWI case, DWI guy will see to it that your rights are protected. If you are looking for a good defense in Portsmouth, go to NH DWI Guy today.

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