Vanity Numbers to Capture Leads: Home Improvement Industry

Posted by Dinesh on November 18th, 2017

t’s given that customers have several choices when it comes to ordering services for their home improvement. They may choose someone they have already worked with in the past or most often rely on reviews or brand name of the company to avoid headaches and complication with home improvement projects.

I stress brand name again, because this is one of the key factor for the home owner to decide when they are putting in lot of money in home improvement projects. Even if they hire someone less known based on reviews they feel compelled to track and bargain on pricing. They will make sure time and again that the contractor is really worth hiring.

Brand building in home improvement industry is not easy task, when you have local stores such as Home depot and Lowes offering services to fix pretty much everything in your home at a premium. Rightly so, just for their brand, they get lot of business, while local contractors depend on the work these same stores sub contract to them.

Its reality that lesser known contractor has tougher fight in getting business compared to premium brand.

Now, how do you build a brand for yourself, that your customers can value and recall when they need?

You can be known by being in TV, spending lot of money on advertisements, catchy brand image, technically savvy set up, internet marketing, social media and having a nice website to capture leads.

To do all the above to be known, you need human resources, capital, know how, and proper strategy and guidance. Let’s say you get all of it, even then it takes time to implement processes, hire people and assign proper strategies and wait for results.

You might as well instantly become known by employing a high recall premium toll free vanity number that expresses your expertise or industry segment. The number which embodies your service offering and can allow customers to interact with you with least of effort, by texting or calling you at any time, and which also ensures that your customers get best of the deal in term of offers or discounts the minute they call or text, not stale or outdated coupons.

It is common for constructions companies to just spend money on advertisements in hope for getting leads, but the reality is different in terms of real results they often miss the return on their investment. The customers even though want to connect with them, misplace their number or do not remember they saw the advertisement for the company offering 50% discount on bath remodel, when they actually need bath remodeling. They just look for something currently available of depend on the brand name again.

Premium toll free numbers come to your aid in avoiding such potential losses in missed revenue opportunities and gives you edge over the competitors when your customers are assured you are the expert in the area to fix or service the customer’s need when they need it.

Look at the several premium toll free vanity numbers that offer SMS capability and web domain that would list your business or service and provide you the in-bound leads from the chosen zip codes or by unique text or voice keyword.

The lead generation becomes interesting and actual conversation topic with this innovative call click and text capable highly memorale toll free vanity phone numbers.

Using one of the above text enabled, memorable toll free numbers along with website will surely give you an edge in your market.

If you have license to one of these numbers, besides your own keywords you will have up to 3 zip codes leads assigned, which will trickle in with our marketing and SEO work, you just have to have the license to use those leads. You can also send out promotional messages, discount coupons, promote it on social media and gain customers from every corner of your network with least effort. With one glimpse at the phone number, customers easily remember the number, and since it is text capable, they can just text, if they do not remember your keyword they will text their zip code, and if you happen to serve that zip code you will get that lead. No cost per lead, its unlimited leads by virtue of association with the brand you license.

You combine email marketing , SMS marketing, in-bound calls social media broadcasting, coupon generation and distribution, and your brand and expertise with unique number for one low monthly fee.

You can try any number with all the features for 60 days if you text “SIGNUP” to any number you want to license.

Our goal is to make small businesses a success and give them the power of brand that they never had before, with ease of use for customers and highly customizable marketing platform.

You can also avail FREE business card design and 500 business cards when you decide to brand your business and very intuitive mobile app to check all the leads coming in on the go. You get the power of modern technology with human touch. We also help establish your web presence if you do not have yet. 

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Joined: November 18th, 2017
Articles Posted: 2

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