What Are Some Uncommon Causes Of Acidity?

Posted by Ramdev Medicine on December 7th, 2017

Generally, acidity is considered to be caused due to intake of spicy, hot, pungent or faulty foods only. Also smoking and alcohol consumption are considered to be chief causes for occurrence of acidity and hyperacidity in a person. However, only few people are aware about some of the uncommon causes of acidity. Yes, it is true. Acidity may even be caused due to certain other reasons as well apart from certain types of foods. It is particularly true for such people who suffer from frequent attacks of acidity and hyperacidity. It is linked to certain anatomical and medical conditions in the human body. Let us discuss about the same in current article.

Defect in the sphincter muscles of the stomach is one among the leading reasons for frequently occurring acidity. In such cases, the acidic contents present in the stomach get passed up into the esophagus as well as the sphincter muscle. The latter is a barrier amid the esophagus and the stomach. It means acid is not blocked and keeps on passing into the sphincter as a result of low pressure on it. Such people complain of acidity even when no triggering factors are present externally.

One of the most common or you can say uncommon cause of acidity in women is pregnancy. It is due to increase in the level of progestin hormones. As a result of this, the pressure on the sphincter muscle is lowered. At the same time, the pressure of the uterus keeps on increasing which in turn makes women suffer from acidity more often during pregnancy.

There is yet another uncommon reason for frequently occurring acidity in some people. It is the disorder named asGastroparesis. Under this disorder, the stomach takes more than usual time to empty all its contents. Due to this, the acid produced in the stomach doesn’t get passed to the small intestine. Rather it remains in the stomach thereby causing acid reflux.

Only few people know that obesity is also a major cause for occurrence of acidity. It may sound to be strange but it is a true and evident fact. The increased pressure on the stomach as a result of over weightiness leads to acid reflux ultimately. That is the reason obese people suffer from acidity more frequently.

Hiatal hernia which is again a disorder related to the digestive system may give rise to frequently occurring acidity. It is found in such cases where there is severe reflux and the upper portion of the stomach moves in the upward direction into the chest. This is the main reason for acidity in such patients.

Not only diet but lifestyle also has something to do with acidity occurrence. People who lead inactive lifestyle are more prone to suffer from acidity due to incomplete digestion of the foods. Those who consume caffeinated drinks, chocolates and also smoke excessively suffer from acidity. It is all due to negative impact casted by such things on the working mechanism of the digestive system.

All these are some uncommon or lesser known reasons for acidity occurrence in a person. By treatment of these conditions using some reliable treatment option such asBaba Ramdev ayurvedic medicine for acidity, this condition can be managed well.

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Ramdev Medicine
Joined: December 4th, 2017
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