8 Tips to Stay Organized During a Move

Posted by Alfred Wilber on April 2nd, 2018

The whole idea of moving to a new place is fascinating for anyone about to experience it. After all, who does not love the idea of having a fresh start for themselves and embark on an adventurous journey? But then again, there are always two sides to a coin. Even if your decision to move to a new place is voluntary, there are so many factors involved which are both intimidating as well as overwhelming. This flow of emotions is something beyond our control and leads to every family member being stressed out.

Source: - Theshermanlawgroup.com

From my personal experience, I can tell that proper planning and immaculate organization skills will go a long way in reducing your stress levels and help make a smooth transition. Here I have listed 8 most useful tips that will help you stay cool, calm and composed during your relocation process.

  1. Start Planning in Advance

Proper planning will go a long way in reducing all the stress related to the relocation process. A move is never an overnight decision. You are aware of the coming day well in advance. So be sure that you do not leave everything to the last minute. Be proactive and take the control in your hands.

Create an inventory of all the belongings you possess, so that you know the magnitude of efforts that will be required. Do not try to be a Superman/woman and handle all the tasks yourself. Call a family meeting and discuss the whole process and how to go about it. You can also use a calendar to plan your every step and stay organized.

  1. Create a To-Do List

 It is a critical step in the whole process. Depending on your comfort level you can use Diary, smartphone or laptop to create a to-do list. No matter how mundane a task might be, you must note it down along with the expected timelines. You should also include contact details of all important people like moving company, real estate agent and handymen, etc.

 Now call a family meeting, discuss all the essential tasks that need to be completed, and then assign those tasks to a member depending on his/her ability. You have to make sure that all the members stay on track while completing the work and no one dares to leave anything to the last minute.

 Source: - Lifehacker.com

  1. Declutter

 Once you have prepared an inventory of all your belongings, it is time to divide them into four categories- Keep, Sell, Donate and Throwaway. Under the Keep list, you will include items that are must haves for you. The things that you don’t need but have some monetary value would go on the sell list. Things that do not have much monetary value but can be useful for someone should go to the donate list, and useless stuff should just go on the Throwaway list.

Once you have categorized all the items under these four heads, its time to act on them. Organise a yard sale to sell the valuable stuff; stuff meant for donations shall be delivered to the local charity, and the name is self-explanatory for the throwaway stuff. It is vital for you to de-clutter before you start packing the stuff because spending money and time on shipping goods that you can do away with is just not worth it.

  1. Procure Packaging Supplies

 Once you have identified the belongings that you must take with you, you should start procuring the essential packaging supplies. You should purchase sufficient quantities of moving boxes, bubble wrap, foam sheets, brown tape, tape dispensers, marker pens and other necessary packing supplies. To save some money, you can also ask your friends and neighbors if they have any spare packing supplies.

  1. Take help of friends or family members

 Do not hesitate to ask for help from friends or family members who have had undertaken the relocation process in recent past. They possess a wealth of first-hand knowledge which you must get for yourself. Sit down with them and note down all the essential experiences they want to share with you. You can also ask them about how to manage all the stress related to this life-altering decision.

  1. Pack and Label Properly

Once again, do not try to do everything by yourself. Involve your family and friends to help with the packing of all your stuff that remains after paring down. Develop a strategy that you are comfortable with go room by room or item by item, but pack everything into adequately labeled boxes with codes written for your references. Start the packing process at least 1-2 months before the moving date to stay calm and clearheaded all through.

Source: - Purolator.com


  1. Design a separate storage area for each category

As you are continuing with the packing process, do not let your living room be cluttered with packing supplies and packed moving boxes. Clearly identify separate areas for each category of products such as electronics, clothes, crockery, etc. and as soon as a box is packed accordingly, shift it to the demarcated area. This way your living room would stay clear of any clutter and you will be able to know precisely which box has which stuff.

  1. Pack the Essentials Last

The name is self-explanatory, essentials are basically everything that you need the most. So, make sure that you pack this box in the last so that you do not experience any inconvenience during the whole moving process. This box will also make sure that once you reach your new home, all the stuff you need the most is packed in one box only.

 Making a move to a new home is a mixed bag of emotions, which takes us on a topsy-turvy ride. The excitement of moving into a new home is mixed with the reluctance to change and stress related to packing and shipping all your stuff. When there are so many things to take care of during a relocation, being organized is not really an option, it is a necessity.

Author Bio:

Hardy Auston is the President of H.D. Auston Moving Systems. They are an award winning Greenville, South Carolina Moving Company. Founded in 1945, they are recognized for the highest standards and provide local, long distance and corporate moves, packing and storage.

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Alfred Wilber

About the Author

Alfred Wilber
Joined: April 2nd, 2018
Articles Posted: 1