How to attain a rock solid erection for pleasurable intercourse?

Posted by ukkamagra on April 17th, 2018

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Erectile dysfunction is an embarrassing health disorder which erodes the confidence of a male while engaging in intercourse with his female buddy. Men suffering from this problem struggle to achieve an erection while making love to their lady love. Erectile issues impact majority of the males after crossing the age of 40. A study published in the journal of sexual medicine concluded that one out of every four males who sought help for erectile dysfunction, were above the age of 40.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

Physical conditions which contribute to a weak erection in men are: diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, lifestyle factors, neurological disorders, trauma, loss of libido, premature ejaculation and the effect of certain medicines. ED could also occur due to the consequence of psychiatric conditions, for example depression, stress, loss of confidence, low self -esteem and performance anxiety.

Vital tips which will assist an ED patient in achieving a solid erection

Dark fruits hold the key to strong erection

Erection can be enhanced with the availability of dark fruits such as elderberries, bilberries and blackberries. These fruits are loaded with powerful antioxidants and anthocyanin that offer a stiff erection to the males and assist them in performing a satisfactory intercourse.

Reduce intake of nicotine

Chain smokers not only suffer from poor erection quality, but are also vulnerable to several health complications such as stroke, cancer of the lung and bladder. These people witnessed a drastic improvement in the quality of their erection after quitting smoking.

Stress is the major contributor to weak erection

Extreme stress and anxiety contribute to the hardening of the arteries. Stress releases epinephrine that affects the functioning of arteries and makes ED patients soft in their shorts. The levels of epinephrine increases by remaining obsessed on stressful thoughts. By distracting their mind from unwanted stress and by focusing on positive thoughts, they would be in a better position to achieve a firm erection.

Snoring worsens erection quality

The supply of the oxygen to the penile region gets affected when a person snores in his slumber. A person who suffers from the problem of snoring should connect with a sleep expert in order to attain a firm erection.

Dark Chocolate is an erection enhancing medicine

Dark chocolates consist of flavonoids epicatechins that trigger the release of dilating chemicals in the layer of the arteries. Studies have shown that having a 1.6 ounce of dark chocolate everyday will improve blood dilation by 10 per cent and contribute to a healthy erection.

Manage Estrogen levels to gain firm erection

Individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 or higher have a lower rate of testosterone and a higher rate of estrogen which is generally not conducive for a healthy erection. As per a study of American Medical Association, obese people (people with 30 BMI or higher) who lost 10% of their weight experienced a drastic improvement in the quality of their erection.

Acupuncture can improve erection quality

The International Journal of impotence has stressed on the importance of acupuncture in getting rid of poor erection.  After conducting a study on the ED patients who had undergone acupuncture therapy for one and a half months, a major improvement was found in their erection quality.

Use of certain prescription medications hinder firm erection

Patients of ED should get in touch with a doctor with all their medical reports and doctor’s prescription. They must inform their physician regarding all the medications which they have taken in the past or are using currently. The physician would be in a better position to assess whether a particular medication is responsible for the soft erection of an ED patient.

A patient of erectile dysfunction can attain a firm erection and enjoy pleasurable moments with his female companion with the correct use of Sildenafil Citrate containing medications,  such as Viagra and its cost effective alternative, Kamagra Pills. These pills promote the flow of blood to the male reproductive organ for a firm erection and satisfactory copulation. He can easily order online Kamagra UK from a reputed medicine store for a long enduring love making session. Get more information at

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