Playing by the book: summary of 5-a-side football rules

Posted by Cynthia Madison on May 10th, 2018

If the answer is yes, then you should start considering 5-a-side football. The benefits of this great pastime and competitive sport are more than obvious. From a physical point of view, this fitness tool increase bone density and lowers blood pressure naturally, being more beneficial than jogging. Mentally, it improves concentration and motivation significantly, not to mention that it represents the perfect opportunity to socialize and develop team skills. Nevertheless, not everyone has the talent or the necessary abilities to play 5-a-side football. The main qualities that a good player must possess refer to making fast decisions under pressure, anticipating moves, having an impressive quality of touch, finding adapted responses to every situation faced during a game, getting into the mind of other players and having an eye for goal.


The basics of 5-a-side football: when the game begins

Of course, when it comes to playing 5 aside football games in London, apart from having the important qualities mentioned above, you also have to know the rules. The first rule does not necessarily apply to 5-a-side, but to every other competitive game: you have to understand the importance of fair play. Winning does not have the same taste if you do not play by the book. Starting with the basics, every player must wear adequate attire, which consists in clothing articles of similar colors and footwear with non-marking soles for indoor pitches. When moving outside, players will run on artificial pitches meaning that they cannot wear long-studded boots or blades. For safety purposes, the presence of shin guards and the lack of jewelry are mandatory. The referee generally resorts to a coin toss in order to decide what team takes the initial kick-off. If a player shoots and scores right from the kick-off, the goal stays available. After such a goal, the other team has the right to a second kick-off.

The main rules of 5-a-side football  players must observe

The goalkeeper can only kick the ball when making a save. If he leaves the area, the opposition will receive a penalty kick. If the players seek to gain an advantage when playing 5 Aside Football by entering prohibited areas, then the referee has the power to stop the game, which he will and then start again with the goalkeeper. When it comes to substitutions, the referee must give his consent and stop the game when considering appropriate. Moreover, the upcoming player must wait until the current player leaves the field before taking control. A goalkeeper only benefits of one substitution during a game. The only exception refers to the occurrence of a serious injury. The head height rule is also important and it refers to awarding the opposing team with an indirect free-kick if the ball exceeds the imposed height limit. For safety purposes, the game also demands the prohibition of slide tackles.  

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Cynthia Madison

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Cynthia Madison
Joined: September 28th, 2017
Articles Posted: 50

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