6 Common Mistakes Made By Mobile Application Developers

Posted by Akansha Pandey on June 26th, 2018

Designing a mobile app is not a small task; there are so many things to take care of while developing a mobile application. There are so many phases while app development is under progress, namely designing, marketing, bug fixing, etc. developers often underestimate app development and overlook the important factors that are responsible for a successful App.

There is always a right procedure to do anything; making it a left hand task would not workout out for many Apps as the app store is already storming with so many applications. Below are some of the common mistakes that developers make followed by the procedure that should be carried out to hit the right note!

  1. Bad interfaces and useless features

Way to successful application is keeping the design simple and easy to use. Although, simple doesn’t mean that you will not include all the features, the idea is of including all the features and still maintaining a simple interactive interface.

You should take in notice that every feature that you are adding to your application must be useful; stuffing unnecessary features ruins the app functionality. Don’t forget the main functionality on which the app focuses the most. Developers often make such kind of mistake by including heavy interface designs and adding unusual features.

Avoid 10 common Mobile App Development Mistakes

  1. Late in marketing the app

If you want to give a boost start to the app, you need to market it right from the beginning, never get delayed in this task. Obviously, mobile application developers in france are not expert in marketing, their part is to code. So here is a tip, don’t market it when your app is complete, start marketing from its initial stages.

However, when the app is not created, how can you show it to the audience? Well, few videos or hints related to the functionality of the app will work. You can progressively add up your work screenshots once you move forward. Even the designing phase can add up to your video demonstrations as you can start campaigning about what all features you are going to add. For instance, Google duplex is not released yet but it is being advertised to be soon in the market.

  1. Monetization is necessary

This means how you plan to release the app, will it be chargeable or for free? Will the app be containing apps? Or the app’s functionality will be including some in-app purchases. Before approaching for the application, everything must be pre-planned.

Monetizing your app is one of the key functionalities that need to be kept in mind, as nothing can be done after the app is released. All the apps need these strategizing policies because this is the only solution to get return on your investment.

Tips to Avoid the Mistakes While Developing the Mobile Apps

  1. App developed for too many platforms

iOS and Android mobile application developers have a competition in the market so nowadays developers think that developing app for both the platforms will put them ahead. But it is a myth, you invest a lot to make the application available to a wider range of audience but the usage goes down because you cannot simultaneously code the app for different platforms, it will only snatch your time and money. The time lag makes it a problem for being an exceptional app till the time you don’t have an immense workforce for the purpose.

  1. Poor testing execution

A rigorous testing is required before the app release. The individual developers usually fail at this phase because they don’t have dedicated testers. It is the most important phase in the software development lifecycle cycle, rushing testing part could lead to detection of bugs later and that may be disadvantage while publishing your app in the app store. Every tool should be used properly to detect the bugs and performance issues because before it gets into the hands of users, feedbacks will matter and that’s where your app will start falling.

Using Smartphones is a never ending trend; instead more involvement of users is expected in coming years. By avoiding the above mentioned mistakes, you pave way to launch your app successfully in the app store. All the top mobile app development company in france get reference of such points when they are developing application. Keeping in mind these mistakes and then carrying out mobile app development guarantees a smooth app functioning less maintenance. The app won’t be having any of the performance which can lead to the deterioration of the app.

Also Read:http://www.fluper.com/blog/common-mistakes-developing-mobile-app/

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Akansha Pandey

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Akansha Pandey
Joined: June 15th, 2018
Articles Posted: 2

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