The Importance of YouTube Likes and Dislikes Bar

Posted by Toni Medwards on July 2nd, 2018

YouTube has revolutionized the advertising and marketing strategy of small and big businesses alike. Customers are more likely to click on your YouTube video than read any explanatory texts on the product. Videos are a holistic audio-visual experience where the customer can be transported to the product story you are telling. YouTube is used frequently by the people, be it for watching music video or any company’s product. Customers judge the quality of the YouTube video by looking at the views, likes, and dislikes. It is easily understandable why customers perceive a video to be high in quality if the video has a large number of views and likes. But what is the importance of YouTube dislikes?

Firstly, dislikes on a YouTube video is completely natural and okay. The best and the most popular videos have dislikes too. The recent Infinity Wars’ first official trailer had 3.3 million likes and 78 thousand dislikes. If you are buying YouTube likes for your videos, it is advisable to Buy YouTube dislikes making the public reception of your video look natural. Customers would think it is very atypical for a YouTube video to have a large number of likes but only a few dislikes. If you have bought 1000 likes, it would be reasonable to buy 50 dislikes to make the reviews look natural. The importance of YouTube dislikes is that they increase your credibility as a brand. Certain ratio of authenticity should be maintained.

The team at Cheaplikesubscribers can provide you with YouTube dislikes for any URL on YouTube. Companies may have different reasons for buying YouTube dislikes. They provide exciting offers for your business to buy YouTube dislikes for cheap.  The fastest delivery that they do is in 24 hours’ time which is available for 100 dislikes only. For a greater number of cheap YouTube dislikes, they ask for two-three days for delivery. It is understandable that you may want to use dislikes of the single package across different videos. That is why depending on the packages you select, the dislikes can be split between 2, 6, 12, 24 and 48 videos. All these packages enable you to buy YouTube dislikes for cheap. It is important to mention here that these YouTube dislikes is done by authentic YouTube accounts.

The likes and dislikes bar beneath your YouTube video shows the number of customers who have engaged with the video. People want to be part of a popular growing community of shared opinions. Another way to think about YouTube views, subscribers, comments, likes, and dislikes is that these create a discussion around your video, and by extension, your product. When a customer looks at views, likes, and dislikes, the viewer is encouraged to be part of the conversation as well. YouTube dislikes contribute significantly to this conversation. Taking the example of Marvel’s Infinity Wars’ trailer, the Marvel fans assume that these 78 thousand haters are bound to be DC fans. Can you think of any other reason why you would like to buy YouTube dislikes? Comment on below!

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Toni Medwards

About the Author

Toni Medwards
Joined: July 1st, 2018
Articles Posted: 1