Top 5 Link Building Mistakes

Posted by Mannu Aryan on July 7th, 2018

Link Building in SEO is a concept that riddles in the minds of several webmasters. Although, it is still one of the best methods of increasing the chance to rank well in search pages, but it can also get you penalized if the strategy is wrong. Instead of getting numbers of link, it is important to focus on good, relevant, and quality links avoiding the below 10 mistakes:

#1 Mistake: Check for “NoFollow” Attribute

No Follow tag is just opposite of Do follow. Both the links will show no difference for the visitor but using a rel=”nofollow” means to let Google not consider or the page rank to the target URL. So, practically it is of no use for the Search Engine - Google. Therefore, you have to check the links from time to time if your link is still there or not! It is better to remove them promptly when you find it on your website. Focus on Do follow instead of no follow links.

#2 Mistakes: Quality Links but No or Meaningless Anchor Text

You are getting a good backlink from a high PR site; it is worth to look at the anchor text as well. An anchor text is an important part, it tells about the page or the website. But, if the anchor text instead of having keywords has text like - Click here, Click Now, Follow Us, Call us, etc. then it is of no use! In addition, the second part is that the same or exact match anchor text also needs to be checked. Take help from a keyword planner or use anchor text analyzer tool. The final advice is to take maximum use of the anchor text having diversity (meaningful content) to prevent your site from a Penguin Penalty. For example - Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi. In this hyperlink, Anchor text is referring to the page where this anchor text can be found easily either in Titile or focus keyword.

 #3 Mistake: Avoiding Alt Text

If there is no anchor text in the page but you have the image than stop avoiding alt images. Google or any other search engine considers the alt text that is an alternative form of text-based information. Quality images help in driving organic traffic to the site, so in case of possibility use the alt text link. With no image links, you are vulnerable to get low rankings! 

 #4 Mistake: Getting Irrelevant Links

 More than numbers, relevancy matters in backlinks. You can get a high PR rank backlinks from a medical based site, but you are in a garment business. So, what will be the result? To be frank, the result will be nothing more than a penalty. If you are going out of your business –line for ranking purposes you have to pay more.

#5 Mistake: Getting backlinks from page with many outgoing links:

If a site provides you link instantly then you might be one of those 200 backlinks. Therefore, getting a link from such sites is not at all a big achievement. Link exchanges purely focus the concept of sharing good information for the user and linking to poor sites can seriously affect your rankings. For this, check Digital Marketing Institute in Laxmi Nagar , this has outbound links but not that much which can be preferred.

With continuous Google Algorithm updates like Panda and others, buying and selling concept does not work for too long. In addition, if we talk particularly about Google, it checks with what velocity you have made the backlinks. The search engines are intelligent to understand that if they are being manipulated or not. Hence, instead of spending a good marketing budget on buying/selling or getting poor links try to provide a good user-interface and quality content just like showed in this page - Digital Marketing Institute in Preet Vihar. The fundamental to avoid mistakes is quite simple - increase your readership and naturally get backlinks!

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Mannu Aryan

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Mannu Aryan
Joined: July 7th, 2018
Articles Posted: 4

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