How Google Algorithms Updates Affect the SEO Ranking

Posted by Bhuvnesh Aggarwal on November 15th, 2018

Sochtek - Generally in mathematics form An Algorithm is a set of predefined rules and protocols to solve a problem in fixed number of steps. For example for solving the quadratic equation we have to follow some finite steps to find out the roots of the given quadratic equations.

Google Algorithms are slightly different from mathematics algorithms but they also follow definite rules and sets of instructions to find the ranking of a particular website. For example whenever we type anything on search bar, the search engine returns the thousand of results in front of us to choose. But how a search engine decides what result should be shown to us and in what preference. So there all questions will be solved by the Google Algorithms. Google uses very complex algorithms to serve the each search query done by online users. The following are the elements that have an impact on page ability to appear in the search results are as follows:

  1.       The Page Title, Meta Tags and Meta Description
  2.       Organic and Naturally links to website
  3.       The way website performs on smart phones, etc.

How Google determine the website priority

The Google Algorithms works by counting the number and quality links to a web page of website to determine the rough estimate of how important the website is. The main assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more organic and good quality links from other sites and have good SEO Ranking. Thus, the web page of website that has more links will rise to the top of the page ranking because algorithm assigns it more importance.

The all calculations done by Google platform are very quickly and frequently therefore any changes in the elements that contribute to the web page ranking will also changes the website overall ranking. That why ranking assigned by Google Algorithms are fluid. A keyword that rank third may rise to first or fall to tenth if there is any change in the content of the page. Usually top places are held by the website that does Search Engine Optimization on their websites.

What happened when Google updated its Algorithms?

Mainly each update to Google Algorithm is made only to tackle a specific problem that affect the Google search results that Goggle does not want it. Google routinely and frequently update and changes its search ranking algorithms to provide the most relevant, fair and useful search results. Each year Google changes its algorithm around 500 to 700 times. And different updates affect the different websites. While some of these changes are minor and some are major. Sometimes those updates impact a larger percentage of sites and sometimes they impact a smaller percentage of sites.

Who Affected

  •   Low quality Content sites
  •   Spammy Content sites
  •   Site which use Black Hat Seo Techniques
  •   Sites which stuffed keywords in their metas

Who does not Affected

  •   If you are Following Google Directions and rules to provide web users with a great, better experience and also fulfill their information needs.
  •   Follow White Hat Seo Techniques
  •   No low quality links
  •   No Spammy content, etc

Generally, if your website uses fair, legitimate Seo Techniques and does not use Black Hat SEO Techniques then your website does not affect by the Google updates. As we know that Google Algorithm uses keywords to determine page ranking. So by doing SEO keep your website at the top of search engine because SEO is the only essentially way to tell the Google that a website is about a particular topic.

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Bhuvnesh Aggarwal

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Bhuvnesh Aggarwal
Joined: October 23rd, 2017
Articles Posted: 99

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