How is Trekking Beneficial To Your Mind And Soul?

Posted by Bookmountaintours on April 2nd, 2019

Much like yoga, Trekking is an exercise that brings you together the body and the mind And makes your spirits shine, With the nurturing and the taming of your mind, You better the feelings that are food for your soul.

Like yoga; in its process and exercise, trekking has a lot to do with breath-work and breath-control leading to mind control. The process of trekking then, further goes on to healing and fixing the energy loopholes of your being.

The exercise of trekking is getting popular everywhere in the world. India and Nepal, the areas that are close to the Himalayas are in the spotlight because wisdom comes down from the great Himalayas to these lands. There are a plenty of trekking destination in India, and even more difficult trekking destinations in Nepal. The Annapurna base camp trek in Khandruk, Nepal is a doable and yet difficult trek that I recommend people to participate in.

I will go as far as to say that trekking is a meditation and that’s because as widely it is believed that meditation requires one to be still and calm and composed; that may not be the entirety of meditation. Meditation is a practice that we do to activate our minds that has been either focusing on certain things too much, or been too relaxed or out of focus in its functioning.

Meditation is essentially a practice that makes your concentration power more and more flexible and stronger. By explanation, concentration is the power of being able to contract and expand your consciousness and hold it for as long as required.

Our consciousness gets out of practice and things start to get monotonous. When we go for trekking, the mind is expected to achieve great levels of concentration because it demands the holding capacity of your concentration, which, if not present, will kill you on your trek. That’s why people who have a good hold of their concentration can take up more and more difficult treks. Hence trekking is a form of moving meditation.

 It can be justified that trekking is essentially yoga in consistent movement and a faster method of unraveling and opening up. If you trek for a living, your body will find itself in a perpetual state of movement, and the mind at rest and in control at all times.

Trekking demands for you to be mentally present at all times, or else your reality will be altered very easily and you may lose consciousness, which is why you may find trekkers walking silently in concentration.

 So what happens when we calm our minds and trek silently? We make our minds more and more alert so that it helps channelize all the energy in the body to be utilized by the physical activity!

When your mind is calm and focused and your body is in movement, you become the humblest version of yourself at that moment because you are focusing on the bare necessities to keep you alive and walking ahead. And when humans get what they need and not what they greed, people are humbler and in greater harmony with themselves and each other.

 It will not be surprising to say that people, who trek as a lifestyle choice, live longer and live life in its full essence because all they have to do is walk away and find another strange place to find comfort in. What happens when you are trekking is that you are meditating with each step, your mind is calm, your body is in movement and your spirits are enriched versions which is how things are supposed to be in life, where people are only caring for their necessities and not for their greed.

But the city life has introduced a lot of greed and in times when we exist in satisfaction, we may encounter moments of greed which leads our body and soul in the direction to achieve that greed that we inculcated in us. What we are doing while trekking is focusing on the bare necessities of life.

With trekking you will go the natural way, and the natural way always leads to more satisfaction than running madly after something that you don’t even need. The “time” that you buy, is the “age” you have bought for yourself to live.

Trekking does have tremendous scope for spiritual growth as well. Wisdom comes with the patience that we are willing to give to the things that are necessary for us, after we have bought all that time from meditating in movement. We are free to spend it on what may be an essential knowledge to pass down to your next generation. Whatever knowledge that people gain from spending time on gaining it, internalizes in our body and down to our genes...So you decide what information and knowledge you want to pass on to the coming generation.

 Trekking is extremely beneficial for your mind body and soul because when you are on a trek, you are feeding your entire being with all the goodness it needs internally and externally’ with every step you take, the problems you face on this journey are different from not meeting a project deadline…. You see, you’re more worried about collecting enough firewood to grant yourselves a heart-warming bon-fire when you want to take rest.

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Joined: January 8th, 2019
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