League of Legends and my side hustle

Posted by john on April 4th, 2019

When I first started college I had absolutely no income. I tried getting odd jobs here of there but was unsuccesful. It appeared no body wanted to hire me. I ended up getting really sad, so I would go home and console in League of Legends, my only friend. (sarcasm)

In saying this though I would like to thank my family for supporting me either way, without them I would not even have the time to play this game that I love so much today.

So the title is "the noob rank", and why is that? It's because when i first started playing I couldn't get out of Bronze IV division, the lower tier in the game at the time. I tried so hard but after two months I was still in Bronze. (Although at Bronze I, Still god damn Bronze!)

Rank Increasing Slowly

After a few more months I ended up getting to Platinum rank, a huge increase over Bronze. My secret was that each time I would drop down a division or felt I was getting unlucky, i ordered an elo boost at this website with my allowance. It kept me afloat and motivated to continue getting better. Because I was playing against way better players than me who would always punish my mistakes, I managed to really improve A LOT! This is really the best way to get better at the game.

Where am I now?

I ended up getting to challenger rank in the game.

Fast forward a year, and the irony is that I am now elo boosting myself at the same website where I purchased the boosts from in the first place. The world really is a funny place some times. I am so good at the game now I can boost up to 3 divisions a day because of my win rate, and in doing so really cash in from it, the website that employs me really pays be very well, and has a lot of orders that I can complete.

The downsides

Of course every success story does have some downsides that you should consider. Not everything is easy street, and money certainly doesn't grow on trees. Everything when it comes down to it is a time investment. How much time are you actually willing to put into become better at league of legends? What are your end goals? If you are doing it simply to become a booster, it's probably much more easier just to start writing your resume and get a real job. I only got so good at it because I was just playing the video game to begin with, I was not playing to get a job out of it in the end so that is something for all readers out there to consider.

Future proof

Because I know this game won't last forever, I enrolled in college and was able to pay my way through the course, I am on my way to become a video game designer, hence my passion for gaming. I wouldn't of been able to do this if League of Legends did not exist. Kudos!

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About the Author

Joined: April 4th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1