6 Travel Mistakes You Should Avoid, According To Experts

Posted by Shiekh abdullah on May 13th, 2019

When you travel, you are exposed to some life-changing and eye-opening experiences. On the other hand, travel can also be stressful, especially if you are new to it. Like everything else, you will initially make mistakes but will learn your lessons the hard way. There is nothing wrong with that but make sure you don’t repeat the same mistakes. Ever wished you could know about the travel mistakes so you could avoid them. In this article, you will learn about travel mistakes you should not make according to experts.

Booking At The Last Minute

There is nothing worse than booking everything from air tickets to hotel rooms at the last moment. You don’t want to be rushing through the process. Moreover, when you book at the last minute, everything tends to cost much more whether it is airline tickets or hotel rooms. Despite this, many travelers tend to make this mistake but should not. Make sure you plan your trip weeks in advance and book your itineraries couple of weeks before departure, This will save you from rushing at the last minute while saving you a lot of money in the process.


Not Getting Enough Sleep or Food

When you are traveling from one time zone to another, your sleep cycles get disturbed. That is why you struggle to fall asleep during the flight and even after you have landed. Most travelers focus on exploring different parts of the country and tend to ignore sleep. Due to lack of sleep, they continue to feel lethargic all the time. Unfortunately, this is not restricted to sleep but can also trickle down to your eating habits as well. You tend to binge on fast food and tend to skip meals which can have negative consequences both on your physical and mental health.

Lack of Research

If you are traveling to a new country and don’t know much about it, you could get some surprises. These surprises can either be pleasant or unpleasant depending on how things pan out. You don’t want to be asking for navigation from a complete stranger in an alien city. Do you research and collect as much information you can to save yourself from unpleasant encounters. The more you know about the culture, people and laws, the better chance you have to stay safe from any unavoidable incident. With the internet on your side, getting information is not difficult.

Visiting Popular Tourist Spots

Who does not like to see the world’s tallest building? Burj Khalifa might appeal to most tourists and it is no doubt a modern architectural marvel but there is more to Dubai than visiting popular tourist spots. You can enjoy a desert safari in Dubai and quench your thirst for heart-racing adventure. The same can be said for any other city in the world. It is better to avoid the path everyone else is taking to explore the city and look for the route no one or at least very few people are taking. This will give you a unique perspective that other travelers might lack.

Rigid Plans

Another common mistake most travelers make is that they are not flexible in their plans. Having rigid plans results in missed travel opportunities. Let’s say you want to explore Dubai from its calm waters and get yacht rental Dubai services but suddenly you have to change your plan suddenly to accommodate for an important meeting with a friend. If you have a rigid plan, you can not enjoy the liberty of changing the schedule but that will limit the possibilities and opportunities you can grab while traveling, which kills the purpose of traveling in the first place.


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Shiekh abdullah

About the Author

Shiekh abdullah
Joined: May 13th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1