What kind of food should you give your baby once they start weaning?

Posted by David Harper on May 19th, 2019

For at least the first six months, your baby's staple food should be mother's breast milk. Because that is the safest food, they can have, which will help them to grow their bones and develop them and make their body healthy. Also, their digestive system is not strong enough to digest any other kind of food; they also do not grow any teeth, so they actually cannot chew the food. But after about 6 -8 months, you can expect them to take in some semi-solid foods. This process is known as weaning when your child takes in food from a source other than breast milk.

How do you know your baby is ready to wean?

Signs that your baby has grown enough to start weaning:

  • Your baby can sit up straight and can hold their head.
  • They have an excellent hand to mouth coordination.
  • They have developed an interest in food, especially in food that the adults around him or she takes.
  • They require more milk feeds to fulfil up their hunger.
  • They know that they have to open their mouth once you take a spoon to their mouth.

Weaning foods

Always start the process of weaning with semi-solid foods so that your baby's body slowly gets used to it. You can try baby rice mixed with some formula milk. Try this in the morning to see how she or he takes it. You can also mix rusk with milk; it will almost taste similar. Once your baby gets the hang of this thing, you can try on with porridge, and mix it with fruit puree to keep it exciting and tasty. You can also smash a few vegetables, mix it with rice and small spoonful to your baby.

Slowly you will understand which plants and fruits your baby likes, you can then increase their frequency. Continue like this for a month or two; then you can move on to dairy, such as introduce pudding or custard to her evening meal. Then continue this with small pieces of apple, banana, and carrots. Then once she or he is around 15 months, you can give on natural food to keep the quantity to match their appetite. You can check out the site Pink Mole to get for information on babies, pregnancy, and overall parenting stuff.

Parenting is not an easy thing; you have to regularly check on your child, keep up with your demands and wants, sacrificing your own. You have to take him or her to regular doctor check-ups and vaccination sessions to develop their immunity. But in spite of that, the smile on your baby's face will be worth it and will brighten up your day.

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David Harper

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David Harper
Joined: November 1st, 2017
Articles Posted: 217

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