How to make momos

Posted by Tanmay on June 10th, 2019

You have to begin by developing a craving for the food item, this step is very important as it draws out every last drop of determination you may have in your body.

Intense craving= intense resilience.

Disclaimer: This article is for amateur cooks only, ones who do not know the difference between wheat and maida. Ones who cannot chop an onion without crying like their dog died. Ones who do not know where the spices are kept and constantly need their mothers' help to work the mixer. Others, please sit back with your homemade glass of pina colada and enjoy.

Step 1: The agony.

This is by far the easiest step of all. Move to a city that doesn’t sell momos at five for thirty, from a city that did, and wait out your first month in suffering. Let the craving take over. Realize that Uber Eats and Swiggy cannot offer you anything but false hopes, and going out to get them in the summer is too much work.

Feel the agony, until you make the decision to do it yourself. It’s momos or nothing, son.

Step 2: The preparation.

Momos look like simple dishes, just a coating of maida and some stuffing inside, sounds easy enough, right? Wrong. Making momos is like preparing for JEE. Like some genius on quora said, if you don’t start in kindergarten, you’re done for. So the first step lies in preparing yourself both mentally and physically. Hit the gym, lift some weights, that maida won’t dough itself. Take some meditation classes to develop patience and serenity. You'll need it.

Step 3: The Internet.

When it comes to cooking, YouTube is your best friend. Dive right in and watch around twenty videos of how to make momos and confuse yourself. Then pick the one you liked the most and watch it at least five times until you can mouth the words as the video plays. Once you have conquered this step, you are knee deep in the process. There’s no going back now.

Step 4: Convince your mother.

The kitchen is her sacred place, her temple, her everything. You step in and mess up, you’re dead. This may, by far, be the hardest step in the whole program, but do not fear for you are prepared. Call your mother close, make her some chai and start with a speech about how you are now a grown up who is developing skills. Add in a dash of emotion, how will I eat when I live alone, ma?, sprinkle some confidence, I’ve faced entrance exams, cooking is nothing. Then finally, if she is still hesitant, recite the entire YouTube video you’d previously memorized and voila. Guaranteed victory.

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Joined: June 10th, 2019
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