Signs You Are Dating A Great Guy Who You Should Never Let Go

Posted by abella Costa on July 1st, 2019

When we are dating with someone many a times we come across very crucial questions are we dating with the right person? Is he most appropriate person with whom I would like to be forever? Is he the person for whom I am longing enough? If these and many more questions comes in your mind while dating with the guy there is nothing wrong and you are not alone in this world who is facing the same dilemma, confusion, there are many. So, here are some of the matters which simply suggest something more meaningful about the guy and if you really find it in him, think that you are dating with right person.

He loves you for who you are:

He simply loves you for who you are; he loves you as a person who has all the flows, lack, limitations, pride, prejudices etc. not for the superficial of you. It means, he knows you completely and likes and loves you the way you are, and it is indeed good for you because, he simply likes the real self of yours not artificial or projected self of your false personality. So, if your found this type of guy in your life there is no need to let him go because in future he doesn’t want to change you most and would like to love you the way you are.

He doesn’t runs for the hills during your period;

Time or days of monthly periods are some of the most troublesome period for any women or girl, and worst part of the game no one can do anything on that; due to it your mood swings, you dislike everything, you do not want to do anything and just wants to lay in bed are some of the things which you like to do during your periods and if he is really genuine, caring and sharing type of guys he will sit you down, wrap a blanket to your body and in some of the cases he gives you massage too, so, you can easily overcome this painful period.

He’s more real than men from the movies

Yes, he is real man or person, so, you cannot expect him to always behave in picture perfect or filmy style fundas; but in compare of filmy hero he will behave in most mature, considerate and responsible manner, yes, but a same time once in a while he does something which simply suggest that he too has his fantasy, he too has imagination power and he doesn’t mind to utilize it once in a while.

He never lets you go to bed angry or upset

In any relationship there comes time when something unwanted, unpleasant, less cheerful happens and it is quiet natural in your relationship too, because, in your life long relationship many a times the things goes like that so, at that time the true color of your man’s comes out, if he is really careful about you he never let you go to bed angry of upset but he makes every possible efforts to make you happy so next day in morning you do not wake up with ugly or bitter feeling in mind.

He is willing to meet your parents

Many men cringe or dislike to meeting your parents, some or other way they avoid meeting them for some specific to very weird reason but the guy to whom you are dating is very much willing to meet your parents it is very much good sign that he is quiet comfortable with your family members too and in future wants to keep the good rapport with your all near and dear ones.

He is the person with whom you always like and love to spend some quality time with

No matter whatever you are doing, whether you are watching movie, eating dinner, playing games on your console, or simply doing nothing and at the same time just sleeping whole day in bed and talking about everything and during all these time he is the person you always like to be with; then be rest assured that he is the person to whom you should marry; because marriage is long term commitment in relationship and if you really like and love to spend time with the person than he is the right person for you.

He trust you completely and never gives you any chance to not to trust him

Trust is most important part of any relationship; no matter it is between two friends, two family members or in case between to love bird, soul mate or life partner. The more trustworthy and reliable partner you have the more your life becomes fruitful and rewarding and it gives you sound sense of security no matter which part of the world you are or he is. Many a times, due to your professional or personal work you have to go out for some days in the company of some unknown strangers, some time at the wee hours of the night, but your guy is very well matured and completely believes in you, he never doubts you, so, this is also one of the quality that simply makes him most suitable guy for you.

He is always very much creative when he wants to tell you that he loves you

Any relationship after long period of time someway or other way goes in monotonous mode but if your guy knows how to keep your love, marriage relationship in most creative ways after years; you should go for that person. Yes, after some times, everything becomes monotonous, life becomes more or less routine and it is that monotonous or routine simply kills all the excitement of love life but being creative person he knows how to keep that some special days, or moments of your life as a most precious pearl of your life.  

These are the few qualities which simply speaks a lot about the person with whom you are dating, no doubt, there are many more qualities than these but depending upon the situations and circumstances you know how much, good, real, trustworthy and reliable he is, and after all of these proper hints if you found him that he is the person you like and love to spend your whole life with go with full heart.

Posted by : Famous People Biography

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abella Costa

About the Author

abella Costa
Joined: July 1st, 2019
Articles Posted: 1