Factors to consider while buying a perfect hookah

Posted by paranda store on September 5th, 2019

When it comes to enjoying tobacco sans its harmful effects seen in traditional cigarettes, smoking a hookah is one of the most ideal options, available to smokers. Hookah is a smoking device with a hose and a bowl. This device, when combined with flavored tobacco, helps smokers in relaxing while enjoying the smoking experience. However, to enjoy optimal results from the smoking experience, it is mandatory for a person to buy a right hookah device.

Hookah, which finds its origins in the Middle East, is one of the most popular smoking devices in countries like Persia, Egypt, Turkey and India. Of late, China is a major manufacturer of hookah devices, with India placed at second position. However, although China made hookahs are cheaper and economical as compared to those manufactured in other countries, the quality of the hookahs is not as desired. You can find hookahs for sale online easily.

While setting out to buy aeon hookah for a perfect smoking experience, there are certain factors, related to hookah body parts, which one should lookout for. First and foremost, it is the vase, one of the main parts of the hookah body, which should be focused upon. There are options of copper, metallic or glass based vases for the buyers to choose from. However, it is the latter mentioned name which is most commonly preferred, for more reasons than one.

One should avoid buying copper based hookah as the material is likely to erode and become toxic thereby creating complications for the smokers. Also, copper based vases tend to get very hot while use, thereby burning the skin of the handlers.

Next, opt for a right heighted hookah, which is available in small, medium and large sizes. As compared to small and large, it is the medium sized hookah which offers better smoking experience and is considered as an ideal option for smoking purposes. Generally, the average height of a hookah should be between 28 to 32 inches. There are mini hookahs available in market with their height ranging between 12 to 15 inches.

Hose of the hookah, which is attached to the base of the device and through which a person inhales, is one of the major parts which should be considered, while buying a right hookah. It is ideal for the hose to have a tip made plastic or metal, as they are easy for cleaning.

As far as the bowl of the hookah is concerned, one can be as creative as possible. One can find hookah devices with bowls made from metal, clay or ceramic material. It is the hookahs with silicone bowls which offer the best smoking experience to the users.

And, last, but not the least, ensure that the price of the hookah does not result in adding an unwarranted burden on your pocket. There are various online hookah suppliers offering the best products and brands at affordable and pocket friendly prices.

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paranda store
Joined: September 5th, 2019
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