What Is Defensive Driving? Tips to Make Your Driving Safer

Posted by Get Defensive on September 10th, 2019

Despite being extremely common and necessary in modern society, driving is actually one of the most dangerous activities you can do. In 2017 alone, over 31,000 deaths were caused by car accidents and car accidents are one of the leading causes of death among teenagers aged 16-19.

Despite the dangers of driving, there are simple steps one can take to minimize the risk of being in an accident. According to the standard Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operations, defensive driving is defined as “driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others.” Teaching defensive driving is meant to reduce the possibility of accidents by training drivers to anticipate bad conditions despite the actions and mistakes of others.

At its core, Online defensive driving Texas techniques ultimately resolve into smaller actions you can take to make the driving experience safer. In the state of Texas, many license violations can be removed from your record by taking a certified defensive driving course.

Here are some defensive driving tips you can follow to be a safe driver.

Control your speed

When driving for long trips it can be easy to zone-out and not pay attention to how fast you are going. While you may get to your destination quicker, faster speeds mean less control and less time to react in the case of an emergency. Make sure to keep an eye on your speedometer and that you always have a clear idea of how fast you are actually going.

Scan the road

Many drivers enter a kind of automatic “flow” where they lessen their focus and let their muscle memory essentially drive for them. It is always a good idea to keep yourself focused on the road ahead of you, constantly checking for the position of other cars or any upcoming roadblocks. Noticing how traffic is moving decreases your reaction time.

No texting and driving!

We get it, texting is a super easy and convenient way to communicate. However, texting takes your eyes and attention off the road which increases the chance of an accident. The best bet is to avoid texting entirely and wait till you are out of the car to respond to any message. Besides, texting while driving in the state of Texas is illegal, so you can get into serious legal trouble for it too.

Assume the worst

Most drivers are in fact perfectly competent and know how to drive. However, that fact should not stop you from assuming the worst about others behavior when driving. Do not assume that the other person will stop at the stop sign before you try to slip through, or that they see you in their rear view mirror. Even one mistake form another can cause a big accident, so it is best to never assume how others will react while driving and stay alert to their behavior.

Respect other drivers

You may be in a hurry to get somewhere, but just remember that you are not the only person on the road. Make sure you follow all the rules of the road and give a wide berth of space for other drivers. Most importantly, make sure you respect other drivers’ right of way; this means no tailgating or cutting others off while turning.

Avoid the left lane

Unless you are attempting to pass a slow driver, it is best to keep yourself in the rightmost lane of traffic. Most car accidents happen in the left lane as it is normally the faster of the two. The right lane also has more opportunities to exit if something does go wrong and you need to get out of the way. Cruising in the left lane also makes you a brighter target for police.

Know the limits of your vehicle

It is also important to know the specifics of how your car handles. Sports cars and minivans differ in design and performance so its important to know things like: How well does my car handle turning? How fast does it accelerate? How responsive are my brakes? Knowing the specifics or your car’s performance and routine maintenance will help you not push your car beyond its limits which can be dangerous.

Take road conditions into account

One major cause of accidents is people simply not understanding the condition of the road they are driving on. Rain and other inclement weather can make roads slippery and decrease your visuals. Your driving style should change to accommodate these limitations. In general, any amount of rain or snow requires an overall decrease in speed and you should also know the specifics of the road like whether any construction is going on or how smooth the roads are.

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Get Defensive

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Get Defensive
Joined: September 10th, 2019
Articles Posted: 2

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