What is a Cheese Curd?

Posted by Davin on October 4th, 2019

The state of Wisconsin is known as the cheese state. We rank number one in the United States in cheese production. We do love our cheese. One of the most popular ways to eat cheese is cheese curds. People from all over the world that have tried our cheese curds have ranted and raved about them.

Cheese curds are the fresh curds that come from making cheddar cheese. Curd is produced when curdling takes place with the milk. It takes about 10 pounds of milk to make only 1 pound of cheese. The milk is weighed and heat-treated for safety. Then the starter culture is added to determine the flavor of the cheese. They then add rennet to coagulate the milk so it forms a custard-like mass. Then the cutting begins to separate the liquid (whey), and the milk solids, which are the curd part of it. The curds and the whey are then cooked and stirred constantly until they reach the right temperature and firmness. The whey is then drained and the curd is left! They are then salted and bagged and shipped to the local stores.

The curd is about as small as a peanut is. Their texture is very unique when you eat them fresh. They are sort of rubbery as you chew them. The goal is to eat them within hours of being manufactured. That is when they are the best. They are lukewarm and squeak and actually taste salty too! After 24 hours they still taste good but they are no longer squeaky fresh. They just become regular tasting aged cheese at that point.

The history, or the so told history, of the cheese curd, is a story about a man from the Middle East. He was going on a long journey through the desert with his camel. So he filled his saddlebag with milk and went on his way. After several hours of riding, he opened his bag to take a drink and instead of finding refreshing milk, he found white curds of liquid. The milk curdled from the heat and the bag he kept the milk in had the enzyme rennet in it which is aspartic acid. And that is the story of how the cheese curd came about.

You can find cheese curds all over the state of Wisconsin. They are sold at gas stations, grocery stores, local dairy farms, and restaurants. They sell quickly when places put them out fresh. Because everyone knows they are better when they squeak. The grocery stores have the ones that are not as fresh. If you want the fresh ones to check out the gas stations or the local cheese factories or dairy farms that sell them.

Wisconsin also deep-fries the cheese curds also. This is also an excellent way to eat them! They are also a specialty of the Midwest. They cover the curd with a beer-battered coating and placed in the deep fryer. You can get those at local fairs and restaurants. They also can be found in Minnesota, Michigan, and Iowa.

They have also started to flavor cheese curds with seasonings like dill and garlic. I have never tried one of those kinds yet though but I heard they are also really good. The white cheese curds are known as Muenster Curds and they are richer than the light orange ones and are my favorite ones. The best part about cheese curds is that they are really cheap in price.

So make sure you try cheese curds and deep-fried cheese curds when you get to Wisconsin. You will not be disappointed! You can also take some back to your friends and family so they can know what all the hype is about also!

Article Source: https://www.serdikabg.com/cheese

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