Get customized tee shirts with silk screening printing techniques

Posted by AngeloEverton on November 17th, 2011

If you are getting a printed tee shirt, why don’t you try a silkscreen printed one? If you have never heard about silk screening, then this article will surely be an informative one. Silk screening is one of the oldest printing methods in the world. Though the materials used in this method have undergone a change over the period of time, it is still popularly known as silk screening.

This method of printing first originated in ancient China to print garments with customized designs. During that time a screen made of fine silk was used in silk screening technique, and thus the name. But in the modern times the fine silk has made way for more durable materials like polyester which is not only less expensive but also easy to clean. For the more expensive printers, nylon and steel is also sometimes used.

Though the screen material might have undergone a change, when printers silkscreen any garment, they still use the same process. A stencil design is fixed to the screen to which the paint is applied. It is this stencil design which will be transferred onto the garment. This design was also used by the Japanese.

In the modern days silk screening is used to create custom designs on a variety of materials like wood, silk and other types of fabric and also paper. This is not a difficult process and can be easily learned by someone after a little bit of training. The silkscreen technique is now used by several companies to create unique and customized designs for their customers.

You will come across several shops which offer customized tee shirts to their customers and use the silk screening technique to create them. If you silkscreen your tee shirts you can get to create stunning images of your choice on your tee shirts.

When silk screening, you need a sturdy frame to attach the fabric on it. Then you need to place a plastic sheet on it; cut out the areas on the plastic where you want the paint to seep into the tee shirt. Then place the tee shirt on a flat area and firmly press the screen on it. Though you can silkscreen your garments on your own at home, getting a silk screening printing machine is a better idea.

You can also get your customized silkscreen printed tee shirts online. Many of these online stores also give you the option to choose your favoured brand of tee shirt on which the printing will be done. Since silk screening is done manually, there are fewer chances of misprints. All you need to do is upload your favourite photo or design, choose the material, type and size of shirt required. Your customized, one of a kind tee shirt will be delivered to your door steps within a few days. You can choose funny messages, photos, symbols, abstract designs etc. to silkscreen your tee shirt. Customized silk screened tee shirts can also make great gifts for your friends and family.

Get customized silkscreen tee shirts in interesting and stunning designs with the help of silk screening printing technique.

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