Lose 27kg with Vegan Alkaline Diet

Posted by Shivani Sikri on October 18th, 2019

In this article we want to share the wonderful journey that Marco made with Sano & Vegano and Stile di Vita Alcalino during 2015-2016.

Marco managed to lose 27 kilos of weight thanks to the Vegan Alkaline Diet, but, above all, he began a beautiful journey of mind-body-spirit integration, towards better health and deep well-being.

We are finalizing the work with the participants of Sano & Vegano 2016 and we wanted to share with you the details of the journey of Marco, an old and affectionate member.

As specialized naturopaths our mission is precisely to help people not only lose weight with a vegan diet in a healthy and balanced way, but to get more health, energy and joy in life ...

... and to do this the Vegan Alkaline Diet helps us a lot.

But that is not all!

In fact, some such beautiful results can only be achieved if the person commits himself to a change of life, or by putting together all the pieces of health (as we call them) by painting the picture of his own superior well-being!

Well, let's see together how Marco has changed his lifestyle , also changing his weight and his general health.

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The Story of Marco

Let Mark introduce himself and tell us his story and where his transformation path started ...

“As a child I have always asked myself the question that if we love animals because we kill them to eat them ?

I asked this question to my mother who shrugged her shoulders ... growing in age (and weight) the question remained unanswered until the desire to find an answer grew to the point that I stopped to think about analyzing my situation also in light of some hypertension problems that have accompanied me for about twelve years.

Years full of pills, hospitals and doctors (which to be honest they didn't understand much ... and so they preferred to fill me with pills).

For a short time even 6 pills a day .

Meanwhile, the months and years passed and the pounds were added more and more ... until the age of 42 in 2014 (October to be precise), at which time I could not really anymore and I said ENOUGH!

I was often on facebook and I was also looking for diets that I could follow without particular problems….

One day by chance I see a post about "Superior Nutrition" and I say to them: "Who are these?

I read the link and I understand that it is veganism (I don't know if this is the case).

I read all the articles all in one go and find them interesting to say the least.

I also consulted with my brother, a homeopathic doctor who supported me.

I spent the next six months (until March 2015) reducing the consumption of animal protein more and more and then ... starting the Sano & Vegan program! "

The transition period and food combinations

As anticipated by him, Marco started approaching the vegan alkaline diet through a transition period, gradual but decided.

He first eliminated meat and fish, greatly reducing eggs and dairy products and then abandoning them too.

He followed a process very similar to driving on the 4 steps to the vegan alkaline diet .

But here the fundamental thing to stress is that he has understood the importance of nutritional combinations and how these are the secret for a perfect digestion, assimilation and elimination and also of weight loss in a natural way.

Let's hear what Marco writes:

"I always hear you say around me that it is enough to eat a bit of everything ... but what does that mean ???? A little what is it ??? And how often do I have to eat it ??? Crass ignorance !!! The kilograms began to fall already after the transition period "

Actually Marco has always "harassed" us with specific questions during the monthly meetings, analyzing each Sano & Vegan module in detail and going all the way to understand how to put all the material into practice in the right way.

Marco's nutritional plan

As recommended by Sano & Vegano, Marco has structured a food program based mainly on raw fruits and vegetables + the clever addition of whole grains and legumes and seeds and nuts.

He made personal adjustments as advised on the personal constitution form , so as to sew the program on his personal needs for weight loss and body composition improvement.

Later he added the RAW TILL SIX rule to his lifestyle , a rule that allowed him to have even more energy and be even better….

We hear his words:

“I started to experience a feeling of lightness in the race and in the crazy rowing; I no longer need to stop with so many breaks as before ... "

But Marco's success does not depend on having "made a diet", because we know well that diets tend to fail .

Success depends mainly on 4 basic factors :

1 - having based his diet on fruits and vegetables, + whole starches which, being rich in fiber and micronutrients, satiate the appetite;

2 - Have respected simplified nutritional veg-combinations;

3 - Having learned to cook simple, fast but good and therefore satisfying vegetable recipes , so as not to want "various crap";

4 - Having deeply detoxified the body through herbs and natural supplements , in order to balance the hormones, the intestine and the whole immune system ...

Here is an example of Marco's food day:

Fruit for breakfast, bananas, apples, pears, but still seasonal fruit;
Snack fresh fruit or extracts;
Lunch with fresh fruit, pause during which I prepare lunch, then raw vegetables seasoned with various activated seeds, a little olive oil and a slice of strictly wholemeal bread;
Fruit snack;
Fruit dinner, break for dinner preparation, raw vegetables with various seeds, steamed vegetables ...
Marco writes: "Nb before someone says that it is normal for hypertension to fall and weight as well, just because I have a low or tight diet, I say, I had already tried to follow a diet that only made me lose weight (the diet lasted a year), but the arterial pressure was the same with a tendency to increase. The diet, therefore, did not remove the hypertension at least in my case ... .. I have now decreased the daily pills and I count during the year to take them off completely !!! "

Contact Marco Dietician Shivani Sikri : Best dietician in delhi

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Shivani Sikri

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Shivani Sikri
Joined: August 6th, 2019
Articles Posted: 20

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