Ideas Your Private Practice Can Use to Grow

Posted by Tim Tarks on October 21st, 2019

Your psychologist practice needs quality new patients to find your practice. In this post, we will discuss some therapist marketing ideas your practice can use to grow.

Build a Great Website Strategy

Your psychology practice needs a great webite strategy. Your website should not only be visually amazing looking, but also be built with strategy top of mind. 75% of people judge a company's credibility based on the looks of their website. You also need for people to be able to find your company's website. In the next section, we will discuss how people can find your psychologist practice.

Create a SEO Strategy

Creating a psychologist marketing strategy is about the smartest thing your practice can do when it comes to marketing. SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it's the practice of building strategies to allow your web pages to be found by peopel searching for services like yours. 

We highly recommend that you do these principles of SEO

  • One page per service
  • Original Copywriting on each page
  • Easy to navigate your website
  • Fast loading pages on a reliable server
  • SSL security on your website
  • Create a blog strategy to showcase your expertise

Advertise on Google Ads

While you build your SEO strategy, Google Ads can be a strategy you utilize. Because SEO takes months or even years to rank for competitive keywords in competitive cities, Google Ads is a great way to get in front of people with intent to purchase your psychologist services. While Google ads can be expensive, it's a great tool if you know what you're doing. 

Get on Social Media

Social media a great tool to get in front of the people who like your business. You can establish your brand's personality on social media and showcase your knowledge.

In conclusion we recommend starting with a great website, and then creating a strong SEO strategy. While you're doing that, jump on Google Ads and create a social media strategy to showcase why your customers should choose you for their psychologist needs.

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Tim Tarks

About the Author

Tim Tarks
Joined: October 15th, 2019
Articles Posted: 120

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