Ofertas redacción online

Posted by taj on October 28th, 2019

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Redacción online en España

Sometimes, when we want to communicate with some people we find it difficult to find the right words, the most accurate expressions or even the most effective tone of voice to get what we want: communicate exactly what we want to say or the intention we have with respect to something.

But depending on the person we are addressing we have to use some words or others.

If we turn to our boss, we will use the most formal words we have in our vocabulary, even the words he uses himself, we mimic him, and we try to use a formal and correct tone.

Servicios de redacción en España

On the contrary if you address a family member, the degree of trust you have with that person will be decisive. We talk to our mother in the most colloquial tone possible and you even eat words in the sentences, since she understands you even with her eyes

Who has not used certain mellow tones to get what you ever want? that they ask the children, "Mommy, by the way, you buy me ..." , "Mommy I love you so much, so much" and they go over, and they get away with it 99% of the time.

Mejor redacción en España

That's what we are talking about, we have to know who to turn to to use the correct vocabulary and tone of voice to get you to understand us and therefore, buy our product or hire our service , the one that will benefit you so much from having it.

When we meet someone face to face, it is much easier to determine all these factors, they are almost innate, but when what we do is to address a bulk of people we do not know and above in a written way through our website or our social networks, we have to try to make the most appropriate communication to convince them of what we want.

Ofertas redacción online

Hence it is vital for us to investigate . Know who are the ideal people who would need to buy our product or hire our service and in that way, know how to address them, what language and what tone to use to get what we want.

That is why communication is so important, because only through it they know us, will they know our business and be convinced of how important and beneficial it will be for them to buy from us.

So find your buyer person (ideal customer) and define how you are going to talk to him so that he really understands you.

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Joined: May 14th, 2019
Articles Posted: 131

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